Weirdstorm Chances
Modern forum
Posted on Feb. 23, 2014, 11:11 a.m. by Matsi883
So, I run Weirdstorm (Blistercoil Weird + Paradise Mantle ), and I thought it's in great position in the modern metagame right now.
The one bad matchup this deck has is Jund. They could just out-attrition me until they land a Tarmogoyf . Now Jund is gone because of the Deathrite Shaman ban, so combo is in a great position.
Weirdstorm is also combo, and the fastest of them all. Isn't it on good position now?
An example of a Weirdstorm deck is my Storm and Eggs.
Deathrite Shaman 's banning resulted in a sharp decrease of Jund being played, so I don't really have to be worried about Jund.
Can you show me a Zoo list? I thought that they are pure aggro and had no removal. Or am I wrong?
Also, Weirdstorm can beat R/W/U Control G1 just because they know nothing about Blistercoil Weird and let it live so I can execute my combo.
February 23, 2014 11:29 a.m.
Servo_Token says... #4
There's 2 types of Zoo lists, much like boros in standard. There's little zoo that you would expect (Loam Lion . Kird Ape , Wild Nacatl ), and then there's big zoo that uses creatures like Goyf, Loxodon Smiter , and uses the burn spells more as removal. Shahar shenhar was playing the big zoo list this weekend if you would like to look that up.
Also, you can't just assume that UWR control players are ignorant. If they see you play Blistercoil Weird , they'll probably get rid of it.
February 23, 2014 12:39 p.m.
I'm not trying to say that U/W/R players are ignorant. But if you saw a random creature on T1 (even Isamaru, Hound of Konda
), would you kill it or wait? Because with Weirdstorm, it might be too late.
gheridarigaaz says... #2
For a start...Deathrite's banning doesn't mean the end for jund, it just means the deck loses some 1st game resiliency against graveyard-centric decks and won't be as fast. It'll still have the targeted discard to deal with combo/control and the removal to deal with aggro/tempo.
Wild nacatl is back and it means you've got competent naya decks to face now as well... Fast clocks backed up with a lot of removal.
February 23, 2014 11:22 a.m.