Well what to do now without the gprobe?
Modern forum
Posted on Jan. 12, 2017, 10:46 a.m. by Randomdeath
So with the latest banning my pet deck is now official dead. RIP storm. Now the question is what deck should I build out the the remains I am thinking about maybe grixis or America but im not really nailed down to one peculiar idea yet so im hoping for some suggestions for what to make. I am a jhonny and already have an esper gifts deck as my main modern deck budget is not really a problem as long as im not needing to go out and get goyfs and lillys. hopefully this info will help yall help me. Thanks ahead of time
For the Johnny in me, I created ProcEspers that mixes control and tempo with a myriad of cool plays availble in just a single Flickerwisp.
January 12, 2017 10:59 a.m.
I'd say Ad Nauseam is definitely the best choice if you're looking to stay in the combo business.
January 12, 2017 11:04 a.m.
TheAnnihilator says... #5
Oh yeah, I would actually start speccing on Ad Naus right now come to think of it. That deck is poised to explode. I definitely suggest it if you want to play the unfair/uninteractive combo deck of the format.
As far as the alternative route goes, I suggest Grixis over Jeskai simply from recent results. Especially now that you have Fatal Push, Grixis is able to leverage cheap, efficient removal in Push and Terminate (both of which handle Goyf) while also grinding with Kommand and Snapcaster Mage. You also do get a lot of counterspells (duh), and can use Bolt at your discretion (it's likely that a mix of Bolts and Pushes main is correct). Grixis has a great matchup against a lot of things and is super customization, moreso than Jeskai at this point. Personally, I play Esper Draw-Go, which I would recommend, but you said you already play Esper Gifts so...
January 12, 2017 11:24 a.m.
Randomdeath says... #6
Well the choice is clear ill get the pieces for ad nauseoum and slowly gather the other pieces for grixis since I probably have about a third of it already. Thanks for the suggestions guys. Yall wouldn't happen to have said deckliats handy would ya, for at least a starting point.
Servo_Token says... #2
Ad Nauseam is essentially the new storm deck in the format, so if you like that non-interactive draw-a-bunch-of-cards-then-win style, it's probably a good choice. The deck is fairly cheap as well.
Or if you wanted to start attacking with creatures, URx delver is always a solid choice.
January 12, 2017 10:53 a.m.