What are U/R Delver's bad match-ups?
Modern forum
Posted on Aug. 6, 2014, 12:44 a.m. by DX5
What decks do a Delver deck perform poorly against? So far I've had trouble against Merfolks. What other decks would my deck do bad against?
VampireArmy says... #3
Anything and everything that is faster or better at grinding than you. You either take over the board or you lose with that deck.
August 6, 2014 1:56 a.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #4
My issue with Delver decks is that sometimes the amount of tempo advantage you create just isn't enough. Even if you Spellstutter Sprite a couple of things, Remand and Mana Leak other stuff and burn out small creatures, you still only really have a bunch of X/1's that aren't dealing a lot of damage themselves. When Golgari Charm beats your whole deck, it can be hard to win games. Granted, if you can gain enough advantage to have a threat on board with counterspell backup, you can win rather easily. I'm just saying it's a somewhat inconsistent deck.
August 6, 2014 9:14 a.m.
I have to say that everything on this thread has been true so far.
Merfolk is a very faster deck and it wasn't much of a contest.
I also played a U/W/B deck with Lingering Souls and barely won.
August 6, 2014 10:41 a.m.
Jamesfurrow says... #6
I play a delver deck myself and i found your worst match ups are control decks. Now i mean like american, UW, and RUG (oh rug crushed me badly but might also be due to my deck not having all the dream cards) but i will say your ok agaisnt aggro based decks because more often than not your able to remove their creatures and counter their few spells that cause problems. Control match ups you might be better off sideboarding delver for Guttersnipe because your deck kinda changes it 's style. Im not sure how delver would do agaisnt a splinter twin deck because i have yet to face them. But with anydeck i will say the sideboard can fix any problem you face if built universal enough. A well made sideboard can fix your problems then it comes down to simply drawing your awnsers.
I hope this helps awnser your question.
August 11, 2014 11:08 p.m.
FALLEN-X-ANGEL says... #7
Maverick. The deck is basically designed against most delver decks
IzexD says... #2
UWR with all the removal, and possibly Junk because of Lingering Souls .
August 6, 2014 1:19 a.m.