What Creatures will Fatal Push make unplayable?
Modern forum
Posted on Jan. 28, 2017, 9:11 a.m. by forestlore44
Similar to how bolt already does a similar thing, what creatures in Modern will become unplayable due to the existence of Fatal Push?
EpicFreddi says... #3
Like with every removal, nothing will become unplayable just because of it. But I think Tarmogoyf will take the biggest hit.
January 28, 2017 10:32 a.m.
There are currently one mana answers to almost every creature that Push hits. Lightning Bolt and Path are still going to be the most efficient removal spells in Modern, and they're more flexible. Honestly, Push is cool, but it's weak against Wurmcoil Engine, Tasigur, the Golden Fang and Gurmag Angler where at least path can remove a threat and bolt can still go to the face or stack up.
January 28, 2017 12:36 p.m.
It is nice to see a decent answer to Phyrexian Crusader that guy practicality has hexproof. No bolt, path, helix, doom blade, victim of night, anger of the gods. It's ridiculous. The only removal spell that sees a lot of Modern play that can hit crusader is Collective Brutality
January 28, 2017 12:42 p.m.
EpicFreddi nailed it on the head. Wizards has been upset about the insane cost (as in $$ cost not CMC) of Tarmogoyf for a long time, and every answer to it really doesn't make Goyf any less prevalent, since it keeps everything else in check as well.
Enter a 1 mana instant that kills Goyf without leaving any value behind like Path (Who wants to ramp Jund-ish decks? Well you pretty much had to in the past staring down that 4/5 or worse). There is finally a card that is able to attack Goyf on the axis that it has the advantage on - insane P/T ratio for it's CMC. One of the few 2 CMC creatures that can survive a bolt, there are actually quite a few things now that bolt kills that will survive a Push, meaning this may help for a more diverse metagame.
Also seems great against Ravager... quite an impactful little uncommon.
January 28, 2017 3:23 p.m.
I should edit and say by "survive a Push" I meant those few scenarios where the Push player DOESN'T have Revolt.. in a format with nearly every deck running a fetch-heavy mana base, this isn't as likely as people are thinking to happen.. Revolt shouldn't be hard at all for most of those decks, and even the decks that don't run fetches usually have something, (like Ravager for Affinity) or even simple creature combat. Not as impactful as Treasure Cruise obviously but I can't remember a lower-rarity card having this much impact in recent memory.
Ohthenoises says... #2
Not a whole lot to be honest. People still run creatures that die to bolt like Delver of Secrets Flip, Snapcaster Mage and Dark Confidant. You simply have to weigh their usefulness against the removal.
Delver is fast, comes in T1 and often flips T2 representing a 7 turn clock on its own.
Snappy is, well, Snappy. It doesn't matter if he dies to bolt if he has immediate value.
Bob is bob, he will always be bob.
My point is that removal doesn't really make creatures unplayable, it just makes you have to really knuckle down and say "does this creature do enough for me to include it knowing it dies to removal" and be more conscious of the value.
And of right now there's not much that people play that doesn't die to a lot of other forms of removal that is weak enough to cut because of Push. I mean, we've had Abrupt Decay for a while now.
It DOES make Kitchen Finks even better though since it's pretty much the only creature that Push doesn't 1:1 so there's that.
January 28, 2017 9:47 a.m. Edited.