What New Decktype Should I Try?
Modern forum
Posted on Jan. 6, 2016, 8:37 p.m. by TheFoilAjani
Hello y'all, you may have seen my modern deck (Xenagos's Secret Service) recently or in the past, and I recently got all the cards to play with it. It's a super fun deck, but I want to move to something with a little more complexity and/or interaction. There are new cards in OTG that I would like to try to use in Modern.
So I had two Ideas; "Colourless" Amulet Bloom, and U/R or U/W Surge. Colourless Amulet Bloom would still run the standard Amulet of Vigor/Summer Bloom combo, but instead of Hive Mind and Primeval Titan being the payloads, it would use cards like
It would ramp out these cards using the normal bounce lands and .
The Surge would play cards like Quicken, Lightning Bolt, Gitaxian Probe, or cheap white spells to cast cards like
Note: this is not a deck help thread. This should be a discussion about these theoretical deck types. Kthxbye.
So what do y'all think? Please tell me what would work, and how to go about it! As always, have a nice day and may your night be filled with hypoallergenic cats!
DragonFaceEater says... #3
Modern Superfreinds is lots of fun!
I know you didn't suggest it, but i have a budget modern superfreinds deck and it's sooo much fun, and wins most games! You should definitely try it! if you want some basic guidelines, here's a link to my deck: Removal? Vraskas are my removal!
January 6, 2016 9:53 p.m.
Well... I have read your profile and I know that Colorless Bloom appeals to the inner timmy... but I have to go with the Surge deck on this one. On top of that, Amulet Bloom is a really bad archetype to pick up right now, as there are currently 5 different professional players who are doing their best to get the deck banned in modern.
I would recommend Surge of the two options you gave. Be careful about jumping too readily at surge though, as building a deck around a potentially under-supported mechanic is only going to frustrate your inner spike.
If you are looking for powerful competitive decks, as best I can tell based on the information on your profile, I would recommend either Kiki-Chord or Lantern Control. Kiki-Chord should feed the Timmy, Lantern Control seems to appeal more to your color preferences and aligns more closely with the grindy nature of any Fate Unraveler style deck, despite not running the card.
January 6, 2016 11:17 p.m.
Isochron Scepter stuff
Junk Aristocrats
Blood Humans
Twin Gifts
Ascendancy Gifts
January 6, 2016 11:25 p.m.
Whoops, didn't read the question all the way. Ignore previous post.
January 6, 2016 11:27 p.m.
Gidgetimer says... #7
Amulet Bloom literally doesn't function without Titans, and Hive Mind is a good alternative wincon for a deck that runs pacts anyway. I have seen a few people try to "replace" titan with one thing and another, there is simply no card that can abuse Amulet of vigor like he can. If you want to use Amulet of Vigor in some other deck go for it, just please don't say it is "colorless Amulet Bloom" because you are not running a deck that has more than superficial similarities to Amulet Bloom.
As far as bannings go I find it hard to believe that a jank deck that makes up less than 4% of the meta is going to get cards banned. It is only tier one because of the ability to keep all combo pieces in hand until the combo turn. The deck usually does little until turn 3 and has little control. There are multiple opportunities to react even during the combo, people just don't like it because it forces thought and instant speed interaction instead of the linear midrange plan of "tap out to play dudes, kill dudes, occasionally cast Thoughtseize".
January 7, 2016 1:12 a.m.
I didn't say I thought the deck should be banned. I stated a fact, which is that five different professional players are doing their best (via playing the deck) to show just how busted it is and thereby have it banned.
As to forcing people to play a more reactive game; if one deck can cause the format to need to play more reactively just to compensate for it being there, then that deck is warping the format. I don't think Amulet Bloom is on that level yet but... I hope it never gets there.
January 7, 2016 1:17 a.m.
AndWelcomeToTheJam says... #9
If you're interested in the new Eldrazi, Bx Eldrazi is a new deck on the rise in Modern. I personally have seen a BW Eldrazi list, but I'm pretty sure you can pair it with any other color, and add black for removal, hand hate, and Wasteland Strangler. BG Eldrazi has stuff like Maelstrom Pulse and Abrupt Decay available, as well as ramp packages if you're into that sort of thing. I agree with the other comments in that Titan-less Amulet Bloom is probably not the way to go.
January 7, 2016 10:11 a.m.
AndWelcomeToTheJam says... #10
With a Surge deck, you might be able to pull off a sort of Hive Pact-hybrid list, using the Pacts as free Surge triggers. I've never seen this implemented yet.
January 7, 2016 10:13 a.m.
Don't do Amulet Bloom, unless you can build it and play it within the next few weeks.....
January 7, 2016 8:33 p.m.
I agree with AndWelcomeToTheJam, Bx Elderazi is a rising deck that real good, but I'd prefer BW Surge, because I run...
BBDI (Boros Beat Down I)
It's alot of fun.
Bad Amulet Bloom doesn't sound like a great time, and you can't really play it anyways without the titan. My vote goes to Surge, it sounds like a fun (if a bit slow) deck.
January 6, 2016 9:38 p.m.