What will replace Treasure Cruise?
Modern forum
Posted on Jan. 19, 2015, 12:08 p.m. by 8vomit
Treasure Cruise is banned now. So what am I to do with my UR delver deck? Do you think the deck will slowly fade out of the meta, or is there something we can all use as a replacement to keep rolling?
No one was surprised about this banning. If you were, again, you are living under a rock.
slovakattack says... #3
Probably back to a full set of snapcasters, I would say.
January 19, 2015 12:12 p.m.
The deck needs draw power so it doesnt fizzle after dumping most of its hand, neither of those cards fill that hole.
January 19, 2015 12:14 p.m.
Delver will go back to being a fringe T2 deck. You have Serum Visions, Remand and perhaps a copy or two of Think Twice. That's about it.
January 19, 2015 12:18 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #6
Since this seems to be more about the archetype than about a specific decklist, I'm going to nudge this over into Modern.
January 19, 2015 12:18 p.m.
selesvyaloverer8 says... #7
4x Snapcaster Mage to flash back ur cantrips seems like the best option but i agree with ChiefBell delver will probably be t2 again
January 19, 2015 12:40 p.m.
Hjaltrohir says... #8
I think Snapcaster Mage is now a must and also Think Twice or Grim Lavamancer might start to see some play.
January 19, 2015 12:59 p.m.
KrosanTusker says... #11
Um, no. Those cost far too much mana. Nobody would ever run Concentrate while Cryptic Command exists at the four-drop slot.
As for delver, 2-4 Snappies seems like the best thing to do, perhaps with 1x Think Twice (as opposed to just the miser's Snappy, at most). Which is a shame, since he's expensive.
January 19, 2015 2:29 p.m.
KrosanTusker says... #12
Yeah, sorcery speed is a big issue too. Cruise got away with it because it was Ancestral Recall, but Divination? Eugh.
January 19, 2015 2:31 p.m.
AstralManhattan says... #13
So what now? Flashback is HUGE. Think Twice and Snapcaster will allow for you to draw further through your deck to cause delays for the opponent.
January 20, 2015 3:42 p.m.
Been trying to remedy it with Compulsive Research but it's still too slow.
February 6, 2015 7:20 a.m.
JexInfinite says... #16
AstralManhattan Dig would have made the deck a fair deal slower.
I reckon that Delver decks should add white and have access to an amazing sideboard and Lightning Helix.
February 7, 2015 2:40 a.m.
I'm going U/B for my delver deck and I'm running stuff like Tasigur, the Golden Fang, Soulflayer, Oona's Prowler. The deck has a really nice clock and plays the tempo game really well while dropping undecosted creatures while holding up counters.
With Treasure Cruise gone I think you want to think about the deck in a different way and not just dump everything in your hand as fast as possile. Just trying to use your evasiv creatures to kill the opponent while playing a classic tempo game.
February 7, 2015 5:39 a.m.
For players running UR Aggro (while I don't think its very common). It's a deck that runs Monastery Swiftspear and Blistercoil Weird and Delver of Secrets Flip, I found that adding 3 Manamorphose with 3 Compulsive Research help refill your hand as well as triggers a lot of prowess in conjunction with Gut Shot and Mutagenic Growth and other "free" spells.
While not the "Delver" deck many play, I feel this information might help some if not a little.
February 9, 2015 3:29 a.m.
KrosanTusker says... #19
That is actually helpful. Thanks very much, I'll consider a lot of that.
CookieJedi says... #2
UR Delver was a thing long before treasure cruise came around. Just go back to one of the old decklists. Throw in some Grim Lavamancers and a couple extra copies of Monastery Swiftspear if you already aren't running 4
January 19, 2015 12:11 p.m.