What Would You Play?
Modern forum
Posted on June 18, 2014, 9:53 p.m. by GlistenerAgent
A lot of the people I play with who are interested in Modern are trying their best to either build budget versions of top-tier decks with replacements for things like Tarmogoyf , Cryptic Command and fetchlands. They talk a lot about how they wish they could play things like UWR Control, Melira Pod, and other decks that require you to drop upwards of $1000.
With the assumption that at least some of you (myself included) see a budget as a barrier to playing Modern, what deck would you play if you had infinite money?
I personally would choose to play either U/G Infect, Scapeshift or some sort of Birthing Pod deck. What are your thoughts?
GoldGhost012 says... #3
Affinity. I've never really played aggro before, let alone hyper aggressive aggro, but I'm loving the interactions between Affinity cards.
June 18, 2014 10:11 p.m.
Gidgetimer says... #4
I don't really care much about what I would play since I mostly play kitchen table and could play (actual not proxy so they are tournament legal if we decide to go) Melirapod, Scapeshift, or UW Miracles (I think his Miracles deck is modern, it might be legacy) any time I want. But on the subject of barrier to entry, I feel that modern staples need to get more reprints en masse to make the price of top tier decks smaller.
Most of the usual arguments I hear against reprinting staples are along the lines of "but card shops would lose money if values dropped" or "think of the collectors" and well they are willing to ride the Karn Liberated
train from $30 to $53 in 2 months they should be willing to ride it back down to $20
June 18, 2014 10:15 p.m.
EndStepTop says... #5
I'm playing U/R Delver in modern because i can't afford a majority of the cards for a legacy deck right now. So I'd buy myself some Bayou and Tropical Island and start playing Legacy instead of modern.
June 18, 2014 10:20 p.m.
I'm trying to build towards a U/W/R control deck that's close to $1000. Its definitely a long term project. If I could play any deck, I'd actually like to play Tron, just because it seems like a really fun deck. But its not something I think I could play over and over, so I don't really wanna invest in it.
June 18, 2014 10:27 p.m.
I dunno, I have been down that road. Try and be creative and come up with something yourself and it will be much more rewarding. Unless your a hardcore spike and then well just throw down the money and netdeck to your heart's content.
June 18, 2014 10:38 p.m.
MattTheNinja says... #9
I'd probably foil out my dream U/G Infect or B/U/G Infect deck. Although I've always wanted to play Melira Pod..
June 18, 2014 10:39 p.m.
alpinefroggy says... #11
Jund. Good in legacy and modern and interchangable without going to far. Although I already have UWR and Twin so I just play those.
June 18, 2014 11:12 p.m.
vampirelazarus says... #13
Personally, with modern, I build and play what I want, no matter the cost.
However, if I had the money, legacy sneak and show decks have a always held a place in my heart.
June 18, 2014 11:40 p.m.
gnarlicide says... #14
I did a lot of aggressive trading and eBay scouring. I built Jund. Never looked back either. It's is by far my favorite deck of all time. I am currently slapping together the legacy version, since they are pretty much the same. Only 7 cards left. Holidays, standard staples, random modern staples, old comics and old toys have been the trade fodder of choice.
June 18, 2014 11:56 p.m.
CommanderOfBolas says... #15
I would build a grixis deck. probably grixis delver/Young Pyromancer . it is a lot of fun to play. other than that, I really like cruel control and merfolk
June 19, 2014 12:31 a.m.
VampireArmy says... #16
I'm playing my dream deck if it kills me >.> Aristocrats FTW
June 19, 2014 12:40 a.m.
NotSoLuckyLydia says... #17
I think that I'd like to play UW Tron. I think that the combination of the ability to do high powered "fair" things with the Gifts Ungiven "instant win" makes it a very powerful deck.
Other than that, I really love playing Affinity, because it's an incredibly skill testing deck that I'm very good with, and has the potential to win quickly if your opponent doesn't have Creeping Corrosion or Shatterstorm .
June 19, 2014 2:33 a.m.
aeonstoremyliver says... #18
I've built a Modern Red Deck Wins on the cheap, as I had most of the cards for the Legacy version. It fares quite well. Since I had most of the pieces, I built a Melira Pod deck as well. Missing some fairly expensive stuff, but I don't plan on taking it to a PTQ anywho. It's fun and competitive at the local level. I've also built an Esper Mill deck for the LOL'z.
I'd like to play a Junk/Maverick/Rock variant sans Goyf, Lily, and Horizon Canopy . I can make it work some without the high dollar cards. Again, for the local level. RDW seems to be a pretty strong build, and if I did ever venture to a large event, it would be the deck I'd take.
Ultimately, it's all about having fun and utilizing a deck you're comfortable with.
June 19, 2014 4:19 a.m.
Right now, I've got a pretty decent Gifts Ungiven list, but price barriers aside, I'd probably have to go with Kiki-Pod. Now I know there have been several primers on how M-pod is better, more resilient, the combo takes less cards, etc. I just like the flavor of Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker , especially in a four color deck! Plus, you get a bunch of fetchlands with it. ;)
June 19, 2014 6:08 a.m.
G/U Infect. I'm running a budget version of it right now and it's a blast to play. And if I was anything but a poor student I would get all the fetches and nobles ect having the deck all foiled out and looking badass! :)
June 19, 2014 8:14 a.m.
Dalektable says... #21
As far as netdecks go, I think I would have a blast running any form of Twin (which Is why I built a Noble Format deck based around the combo). However, I am more of a homebrewer so I'd take an all Korean copy of my deck Halleluja, It's a miracle! + fetches, Cryptic Command , and probably other stuff I can't currently think of.
June 19, 2014 6:07 p.m.
I'd probably play a ported version of Noble Fish. Really, though, I just want to play a deck with four Tarmogoyf s, four Dark Confidant , and Liliana of the Veil . Still need three 'goyfs and I'll be able to play it.
Arvail says... #2
I'd say probably Twin. I like the archetype and most cards are godly elsewhere, so if I wanted to play something else, I could probably toss those cards to use.
June 18, 2014 9:57 p.m.