What's your local meta like
Modern forum
Posted on May 14, 2014, 5:34 p.m. by forestlore44
Just out of curiosity, what's your local meta like as of now? Mine has a lot of pod and twin variants, and a lot of storm and UWR Midrange, and Tron. Everything else is BG midrange, BWR Midrange, Living End, burn, fae, eternal command, gifts control, RUG delver, Hatebears, and nyxwave. Almost no aggro decks. Mostly combo then midrange, and a few control decks around.
Mostly tier-2. There are 2 guys who show up every once in a while with twin and tron, but for the most part the biggest contenders are
Tooth and Nail ramp
BW D&T (me)
Non-net POD
Naturally, my Thoughtseize s + Tidehollow Sculler s do work.
May 14, 2014 5:49 p.m.
I play in a pretty strong well developed meta.
We have a lot of PTQ grinders, one of the UK champions, guys off to PTs and the like.
UWR control and Pod are the major two deck decks because they naturally gravitate to control and pod being one of the best decks in the format. Affinity is also pretty common because it is the best aggro deck in the format.
In addition to a few people playing some of the other t1-t2 decks, you also have some pretty out there brews like Zur Aggro, Merfolk, Venser Bant, Jedi Jund, Tribal W/B and complex dredge.
When it comes to siding I've gone for generically good cards. More counterspells, sweepers, artifact/enchantment hate with a primal command toolbox.
May 14, 2014 6:34 p.m.
I live in Hawaii, specifically Honolulu, and the meta here is very odd. There are lots of combo decks running around and a good amount of control. On Monday my LGS has a Monday Modern tournament and I played against U/W/R Control (0-1), B/W Tokens (1-1), and Affinity (1-2). I run U/R Storm for reference, but have yet to see many other combo (I define combo as non-Twin, non-Pod since those decks rarely win by combo) decks at my LGS. That said, there was a Modern GPT where there was apparently lots of combo decks. It's quite an interesting meta in my opinion.
May 14, 2014 6:44 p.m.
GW Tokens
UWG Control/ First strike
WB Controlling Angels
GW Midrange Lifegain
UR Creature Control
The decks in my group are a lot slower than you would expect, as most of the players like to see crazy things happen than win the game outright.
Magiclover318 says... #2
Well I kind of think that Hatebears is control with aggro, mine is anyways? I use Aven Mindcensor with other aggro cards like Sublime Archangel and Scavenging Ooze
May 14, 2014 5:43 p.m.