Which deck should I buy
Modern forum
Posted on Nov. 28, 2015, 3:49 p.m. by SenGeorge
People, please help me. I want to buy a deck, but I am not sure which one I should buy. The decks are: ''Mono White Weenie'' and ''Abzan Aristocrats''. Please answer these questions: 1. Which one is more competitive? 2. Which one is more fun? 3. Which deck would you play? 4. What's the card ratio for each deck(how many creatures, lands, spells...)? 5. Which cards are considered:''must runs'' for each deck? 6. Which deck, you think, should I buy?
Neither. Selesnya hatebears / midrange would be the best starting point with what you have in mind.
Its cheap and very good at times.
November 28, 2015 3:53 p.m.
The budget is 30$ (Low, I know), but when answering my questions do not think of the cost. These are just 2 decks that I felt in love with. Thank you both for the suggestions, but Selesnya Hatebears are way to expensive for my budget.
November 28, 2015 3:56 p.m.
That is very low...you could get some of the core cards in Soul Sisters with that amount...but it would be a watered down version. I would definitely recommend against a tri-color deck with that budget. Do you have a collection already? If so, what cards do you already have to work with in the colors you prefer?
November 28, 2015 4 p.m.
Honestly, from the bottom of my heart, it pains me to say it but nothing in modern will fit the tag 'competitive' for $30.
It really depends on what you're playing against though. We can help you if we know what your meta is like. The reason for that is obviously you can't stand a chance against merfolk or tron or twin or jund or anything like that so we need to have a realistic picture of the decks you'r competing against to make a choice. If you're facing against tier 1 I don't think it's worth trying anything for $30. If you're facing off against someones weird, half-finished soul sisters deck THEN we can help you out.
November 28, 2015 4:01 p.m.
No, I do not have a collection. Do you have any other decks you could suggest for 30$, that are at least, a little bit strong?
November 28, 2015 4:03 p.m.
Maybe mono Green infect or Collected Company trample stomps.
November 28, 2015 4:04 p.m. Edited.
I have an idea yeah. It's a playable version of white-weenies.
Other lands
3 Duress
3 Despise
Something like that?
November 28, 2015 4:07 p.m. Edited.
Wizard_of_the_Broke says... #10
For $30, you're pretty much limited to a mono-colored deck. I'm going to assume this is meant for casual play or FNM? Restore Balance is actually an okay deck and costs about $45. Otherwise, there's these: list of $30 Modern decks on Reddit. There are other lists if you just google "$30 Modern deck mtg," or something like that. If it were me, I'd go with a fast aggro mono red Goblins for that money.
November 28, 2015 4:08 p.m.
Thanks: ChiefBell. I was thinking about Aristocrats, since I could swap out the Blood Artist for Zulaport Cutthroat, and Voice of Resurgence for Blisterpod. And for the weenie and I was thinking just to make something similar to Green Stompy(Bunch of 1 drop 2/1 and 2 drop 3/2 or 2 drop 2/2 with cool abilities).
November 28, 2015 4:08 p.m.
Aristocrats needs both Blood Artist AND Zulaport Cutthroat
You can't swap out Voice. It's integral.
Monogreen stompy is possible but the decks isn't amazing.
Something like:
4 Rancor
November 28, 2015 4:12 p.m.
Thanks Wizard_of_the_Brokel, now I can find more decks!
November 28, 2015 4:12 p.m.
I think the tokens deck is actually pretty great and is basically modern mono-white weenie. It's close (but also quite far haha) from a real modern deck that's very good.
November 28, 2015 4:17 p.m.
Wizard_of_the_Broke says... #15
SenGeorge - Chief's suggestion is good. I have a full $50 BW tokens list on my profile you may also want to look at (It's very, very similar). I really don't recommend Aristocrats (I spent a good bit of time on a budget-ish Abzan Ascendancy build and couldn't get below $300 without making it unplayable). Plus, Weenies/Tokens can be upgraded into a very respectable tier 2 deck, so it's a good place to start with an eye to investing later on. I suppose you could do likewise with Aristocrats, but your biggest issue is going to be the land base, and you can't start with anything halfway decent for $30.
November 28, 2015 4:20 p.m.
Infect can be upgraded over time into the top tiers.
Stomps is severely easy to run and non-interactive. It's hard to "play it wrong" but it tends to get dull (summon, swing, repeat).
November 28, 2015 4:21 p.m.
mathimus55 says... #17
If you need something in that budget range and just need something to start grinding store credit with you could play a Kiln Fiend combo deck. The most expensive piece is the Gitaxian Probe or Simian Spirit Guide and the rest is crantrips/pump spells like Titan's Strength, Assault Strobe and Apostle's Blessing. It's not going to win you any GP's but it's a fun fast deck in your price range and you can start getting store credit built up to play better decks.
Start with something like this:4 Kiln Fiend
12 mountain
4 island
A buddy of mine runs a deck almost identical to that with some land base upgrades and does alright for himself at the LGS. That or the deck Chiefbell suggested are probably some of the better starting points for a sub $30 deck to start into modern with
November 28, 2015 4:28 p.m.
Here, try this...it's super budget, but can be very fun and is competetive enough for FNM ...it will not stand a chance against tier 1 etc, but if you want a crazy fun and cheap deck that can actually win, try giving it a shot
November 28, 2015 4:35 p.m.
The major problem is that $30 is practically impossible for a "competetive" deck in modern...Tooth and Nail is a very affordable deck that pulls out wins and does quite well, but just buying the namesake playset will cast you more than $30...the list I posted above was a list I made for a budget Modern league @ my LGS, and was undefeated the entire season...against fair, casual home brews or other budget decks like what ChiefBell mentioned with the white weenies, it can be very good, but most importantly very fun, and it can also be upgraded as you accumulate more of a budget...I have 2 other version on my profile, one a slightly higher budget version for when you have a bit more cash and wanna throw some higher costing cards in, and another "final" version for when you are ready to drop some cash.
November 28, 2015 4:42 p.m.
If you eventually want to upgrade, I would suggest mono-green infect. You can run it without the Inkmoth Nexus for a while. The rest of the pieces are pretty cheap. If you end up going this route, I'd be happy to give you any advice/tips, as infect is my archetype of choice.
November 28, 2015 4:50 p.m.
mathimus55 says... #23
For standard just go to mtggoldfish.com. It's super easy to look up crazy budget decks that 5-0 daily events and such. There was a BG deck that went 5-0 and cost $15 in paper. I can't find the link bc I'm on my phone but it shouldn't be hard to find
November 28, 2015 5:06 p.m.
Serendipitous_Hummingbird says... #24
for 30? Why, I just made a fun, synergistic aristocrats/tokens deck. Take a look. It's a lot of fun.
November 28, 2015 5:17 p.m.
If it was me i'd go monowhite: What I used to run in standard had Fencing Ace + Ethereal Armor, and could win T3 most likely 4-5 though. I think it cost around 40-50 (i think most of the prices dropped after standard rotated), and was usually in top 3 at my fnm. heres some more good cards you can take your pick. Phalanx Leader Silverblade Paladin/Mirran Crusader/ Fabled Hero Armored Ascension usually ended games that made it to 4 mana.Brave the Elements protects your creatures from removal, and pushes damage through blockers for the win.
Other than that I'd second the green deck someone else recommended above. Just add Garruk's Companion, and more pump spells.BBW Big Black Weenie on a budget my budget deck around $40 more fun than competitive, but does pretty well.
Scytec says... #2
If you don't have potential decklists in mind...why are you limiting yourself to two decks? Neither of white will probably ever be tier 1, if even 2. Also, what budget are you working with?
November 28, 2015 3:52 p.m.