Which tokens to bring
Modern forum
Posted on Jan. 12, 2018, 12:54 a.m. by Entrei
I recently decided to start bringing tokens along with me to FNM for the sake of convenience (not to mention it's prettier than a dice), but realized given my relatively small collection of tokens, I am probably missing some of the important ones.
So far I have the Unstable: Zombie, Spirit, Thopter, VoR elemental, Young Pyromancer Elemental, Goblin, angel and clue.
In addition to these, I also have the Poison counter token, Wurmcoil Engine wurms, the Master of Waves elemental, and my lucky token, the SCG Hippo Token. Given this list, can anyone think of tokens I missed that have a decent chance come up at modern FNM?
I mean, usually if you just bring whatever tokens your own decks produce, and other players do the same, you won't run into any problems.
January 12, 2018 5:36 a.m.
I like making my own tokens using tip cards from booster packs. If you using rubbing alcohol or acetone (acetone works easier), you can then use a rag to wip/scrub the ink off the tip cards. Then, you draw your token using permanent markers.
This is a really inexpensive, yet personal, way to get those really obscure tokens.
The other one I noticed missing from your collection that are common in Modern (not already mentioned) are 3/3 Beast tokens (from cards like Beast Within, Thragtusk), 3/3 Golems (Blade Splicer, Precursor Golem), 5/5 Demon (Skirsdag High Priest), and 1/1 Soldiers (Timely Reinforcements, Elspeth, Sun's Champion). We'll probably also see more 1/1 merfolk tokens since Rivals of Ixalan added a few.
PhotogenicParasympathetic says... #3
0/0 Germ token.
January 12, 2018 1:45 a.m.