White deck sideboard option.
Modern forum
Posted on Nov. 12, 2014, 3:03 p.m. by gufymike
This is both for legacy and modern players, where this card is legal.
Anti-delve and stays out of bolt range. Mainly it is the combination of the cumulative upkeep and toughness that make it a decent choice. Without either one, it's probably not the choice for you.
What do you think are the pro's/con's of this tech for the u/r delver and burn match ups.
Note: May not be good in every white based deck out there, but in quite a few it should be.
The argument against those is, it's a waste of slot for this specific match up. To bring in r.i.p. for Treasure Cruise is that it is non-essential to winning games. Tormod's Crypt is a bit different, since you can't do it in response, you have to do it before they can delve, which is a guessing game and it's also non-essential to winning games I don't think either is 'better off'. Grunt is a 4/4 body for 2 you should use to put pressure on them.
The key phrase you also said was "Right now", Show and Tell decks will pick up Dig Through Time soon. Miracles is another I expect to pick it up also. in modern, U/W/R control might want to dig also (still need to play test it myself).
November 12, 2014 3:23 p.m.
mathimus55 says... #4
I like Rest in Peace in that situation. Like goofy said, it's much harder for them to deal with and doesn't run out of fuel eventually. And it takes care of future activity in the graveyard as opposed to a one time dump like Tormod's Crypt
November 12, 2014 3:28 p.m.
Rest in Peace is a proven sideboard card dealing with any graveyard based decks. It hits delve, goyf, certain storm decks, shardless BUG, reanimator, blue Tron, and more right in the nuts. Jotun Grunt has to wait an entire turn to get 2 cards out of the graveyard, and by the time you can cast him, it's already too little too late. The main aggressor here, U/R delver is already currently mainboardng 4 Thought Scour which puts 3 cards back, a profit. Your strictly better off eliminating there graveyard completely with a card they generally can't deal with as opposed to trying to tempo them out with a creature that will literally kill itself eventually.
November 12, 2014 3:40 p.m.
I didn't say don't run Rest in Peace, dredge is a thing, but in this case, against u/r delver, it's not gaining you anything of real value that is essential to winning.
November 12, 2014 3:42 p.m.
JexInfinite says... #7
gufymike I can confirm that Dig Through Time is definitely a great card in UWR Control. I don't like more than 1 at the moment, because I can't have it taking away from my Sphinx's Revelation slots. Rev is arguably better in an aggressive meta, and it's basically just a Treasure Cruise anyway.
Jotun Grunt is relatively good against delve decks, and could possibly be good enough to run more than 2, but I doubt too many decks would have that many cards to exile.
November 12, 2014 7:53 p.m.
I run 3 digs in my modern Dimir control deck, with 4 snapcasters, and it's amazing. It won't be long until the RWU control decks also adapt. Modern Dimir Control.
GoofyFoot says... #2
your better off running cards like Tormod's Crypt and Rest in Peace. the only decks that are delving right now are Delver of Secrets Flip decks, and they can't do anything about those card other than countering it. the fact that it's a cumulative upkeep means you constantly have to take more and more cards, when there just isn't going to be any.
November 12, 2014 3:10 p.m.