Why do you like Modern?
Modern forum
Posted on Jan. 11, 2016, 9:08 p.m. by Brolamog_the_Infinite_Higher
I've been trying to get into Modern recently, and I love the huge card pool and the non-rotating format to make decks from. However I really hate how some cards and combinations can win the game Turn 2, and I would enjoy the format more if the current "Modern Staples" were banned. Essentially, the power levels of these decks is the thing pushing me away from the format the most. I love standard because I can run higher curve decks with cards that aren't eternally useful and have less power. I currently have $500-$800 to spend on this game, do I buy cards to play a Top Tier Standard deck for the next year or two or do I buy a Modern that never rotates even though I dislike the metagame? I'm still relatively new, so advice would be greatly appreciated.
GlistenerAgent says... #3
Modern is a high-power format. People will kill you faster. Get used to it, or stick to Standard.
"I would enjoy the format more if the current Modern staples were banned"
It can be jarring to come from Standard to a non-rotating format, because you don't like that all the decks do more than just durdle for a million turns like in Standard. You can't necessarily build a new deck and do well with it in Modern unless you are also using powerful cards and have access to explosive wins, so look into decks that already exist or find powerful gameplans that you like and build around them.
January 11, 2016 9:12 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #4
This thread was moved to a more appropriate forum(auto-generated comment)
January 11, 2016 9:14 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #5
Don't take this the wrong way, but it sounds like you haven't done your homework on Modern. There aren't any consistent turn-2 decks that don't get banned, and staples don't deserve to be banned purely for being staples.
January 11, 2016 9:16 p.m.
IzzetFanatic says... #6
Modern is an incredibly diverse format that I love a ton. I run my favorite type of deck, control, and am loving it. Modern is sooo much better then standard IMO. First of all, it is less expensive in the long run. Second, since it is non rotating, it allows you to get to know your deck better. Third, the power level is a bit higher with more interactions allowing for more diverse game play IMO. There are many types of decks out there ranging from my rouge deck If you hate people... Play this deck to Infect or Storm. I give my vote to Modern wholeheartedly.
January 11, 2016 9:18 p.m.
if you have like 800, tron aint a bad place to be. if you gonna wait a week, see if bloom is still up and running
January 11, 2016 9:21 p.m.
Modern has far more diversity both in the number of viable decks and overall deck archetypes than standard. NOTHING utterly dominates the meta for long. If something becomes disproportionately strong, it gets axed. Last time there was a big uproar over modern bans, it was because some players felt like Wizards was being too forceful with its decisions.
Look up recent tournament footage form both modern and standard. Watch maybe 10 hours of both. Make your decision based on that.
January 11, 2016 9:22 p.m.
TheDevicer 10 hours of Standard streaming? Are you trying to kill him?
January 11, 2016 9:24 p.m.
IzzetFanatic says... #10
@DrFunk27: Obviously. He is really a standard fan and wants us all to die watching Modern. Then he can blame it on Modern. lol jk. Of course when there is a deck out there in modern called "If you hate people... Play this deck maybe modern is a cause of suicide in the modern community. (more specifically my deck is the cause of suicide). JK again.
January 11, 2016 9:27 p.m.
probably. Also, you should know that before you decide anything, these decks are what is left over. The format would be basically vintage. t1 storm wins would rule. of course there are many many green cards that would make elf t2 wins.
January 11, 2016 9:28 p.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #12
Watching 10 hours of Modern is nothing. Just don't do it all at once.
Standard just feels less exciting to me at any given point, so maybe those 10 hours would be longer.
January 11, 2016 9:30 p.m. Edited.
canterlotguardian says... #13
Why do I like Modern? It isn't Standard.
January 11, 2016 9:43 p.m.
mathimus55 says... #14
What canterlotguardian said. Pretty much that.
But seriously, it's not a money pit like standard, it changes over time unlike legacy for the most part and actually gets supported by TO's in my area. There is a huge cult following for legacy near me but I don't play enough to justify having that much money tied up in my collection for how much I'm able to play now that I have a family, career and generic adult responsibilities.
January 11, 2016 9:57 p.m.
IzzetFanatic well played getting in that second deck reference.
January 11, 2016 9:57 p.m.
Ten hours really isn't much. It basically amounts to 14 games if you cut out the time players spend shuffling or siding. Watch it over a week or two. Whenever you have some downtime, pop a game on. In small slices, it's easy to get that down.
January 11, 2016 10:17 p.m.
CanadianShinobi says... #17
Modern and I have a love hate relationship currently. I love the power of Modern. It's in a nice sweet spot for me, however with how Standard is currently changing it will start affecting Modern. Also, Modern lacks a solid Draw-Go Control deck and too me that makes the format unsatisfying since I'm a Control player.
January 11, 2016 11:47 p.m.
MadCheddah says... #18
without knowing much about the format... how about something like pauper???
im from denmark and its impossible to find someone who take that format serious,.. not sure why... but maybe its different in other countries?! i have no idea...
i personally think modern is a bit to fast, i like slow formats like standard or drafts, but its just too expensive in the long run...
January 12, 2016 12:07 a.m.
Brolamog_the_Infinite_Higher says... #19
Wow... I didn't expect this many responses! From what I'm hearing, it sounds like Modern seems like a better investment. To clarify what I said earlier about games being won Turn 2, I meant that most games are decided Turn 2. I realize it's rare to see a game end that early, but I also know it tends to be obvious at that point if a person will end up losing within the next few turns.
That being said, my favorite games in Magic tend to involve board interaction, resource management and switching between being offensive and defensive during a game. Anyone know of any deck that may fit that description? VOD's or other recordings of games are welcome too in case you have any cool games or matchups to share (Even if it is 10 hours worth of Magic lol)
Another thing I'm keeping in mind is my LGS, which charges $10 for Modern events and $6 for Standard events. Would this change Modern being a better investment in my case?
January 12, 2016 12:44 a.m.
avrgeboy123 says... #20
Brolamog_the_Infinite_Higher If you are into resource management and like the back and forth nature of games, I offer up one of the "grindier" decks of modern like Jund or Abzan. They can attack with Tarmogoyfs, interact with cards like Lightning Bolt and Abrupt Decay and attrition your opponent down to nothing. Another style of resource management is simply pure, hard control like Esper draw-go or Jeskai control with Cryptic Command and Mana Leaks and beating your opponent with Celestial Colonnades. Those decks may be a bit out of your budget (especially if you are starting from scratch and have no fetches or shocks). But like everyone else here says, Standard is a black hole for money. Every rotation you are out a few hundred bucks and within two years you will have probably spent more money on cards that don't retain their value rather than on Modern staples.
January 12, 2016 2:49 a.m.
RoarMaster says... #21
Why I like Modern: Because Standard sucks and nobody plays Legacy anymore. Oh, and I dont have the power 9 for vintage.
January 12, 2016 4:49 a.m.
Modern games aren't necessarily decided on turn 2 it's more that you have to have a solid turn 2 play every game. It might not be a win condition or even a threat, it could be a counterspell or removal, but you need to do something significant.
Modern is in a pretty good place. It has a nice mix of very fast decks that can t3 win and slow decks that might not even play a single win condition until turn 4 or 5. It's exceedingly diverse in that respect. We do currently lack a tempo deck (a true aggro-control hybrid) and a purely draw-go control deck which is definitely off-putting for some, but wizards don't seem to be doing a bad job of printing new modern playable cards in each standard set.
I have a lot of faith in modern because it's this weird format where existing decks have incredible power levels and yet some of the best cards in standard are still easily impactful enough to have a home here.
However if you play the format for a number of years you do start to recognise patterns and it can get tiresome.
January 12, 2016 4:57 a.m.
People here have already brought up most of the reasons I love modern, so I'll just add a few more:
Decks like Affinity and Twin have been around for basically as long as modern, but they're not winning every single tournament. They're the staples. But modern does change. Out of (relatively) nowhere decks like Elves and Merfolk can show up and put up some amazing performances and all of a sudden there's a huge shift in the meta. New sets come out and you can have a whole new archetype (Bx Eldrazi right now) and it's all very exciting trying to figure that out.Or every now and then someone shows up to your LGS with a modern version of a legacy staple, like Death & Taxes or Ad Nauseum, and just kills everyone because they weren't prepared for it.It's the relative stability that I like. It's stable enough to invest in a deck, but changes enough to keep things interesting. It even changes week-to-week or month-to-month if you're into subtle meta shifts.
January 12, 2016 1:46 p.m.
readerrw07 says... #24
Modern is a better investment long term. Even though it rarely seems like it when local tournaments get dominated by 3-5 decks depending on the budget of the player, there is a lot of diversity to the game if you look past just whats at pro-tours and grand prix. I started in Modern with a $20 burn deck. I went 1-3 in that tournament, but it was a hard fought tournament all the way, with the only thing that stoped me being Soul Sisters, because duh. After getting the deck to around $100, sans Goblin Guides, I was winning more than losing even against Solitare decks like Storm, and even had a fighting chance against the $500+ decks. If you have $800 to spend, Id do some real research into modern decks, proxy up and playtest as many as you can, and invest in Modern, since any money you invest in Standard will get flushed down the toilet in less than a year
DrFunk27 says... #2
I'm confused by which decks you are talking about? There aren't any Modern decks that CONSISTENTLY win Turn 2, but there are a couple that have the potential, but it happens very rarely. In fact, Modern is format where decks that win Turn 2 are nerfed and some of the cards banned. Currently, Titan Bloom is the only deck that is consistently winning Turn 2 or 3, and it will likely have something banned, probably Summer Bloom
Btw, Standard is a black hole of money. Spend your $800 on buying Fetchlands, Tarmogoyf, Liliana of the Veil or other essential modern cards. Standard is a terrible waste of money.
January 11, 2016 9:12 p.m.