Will you help poor noob?

Modern forum

Posted on Dec. 26, 2016, 11:12 a.m. by smutazos

I'm returning player with no cards. I'm playing MtG for about two months after 15 years of break. I have some pauper decks and one EDH deck, but I would like to start playing modern casually and on a budget. I know that I can put together a mono red wins modern deck for about $30 but there is a problem with card availability where I live.

Sometime there are missing more expensive cards but sometimes there is a problem with finding even cheap commons or uncommons and if I would try to buy missing cards online the cost of shipping them from diffrent sellers from diffrend countries changes te total cost of deck from $30-$40 to over $60 and I'm not okay with this.

Fun deck for $30-$50 is OK when I can buy all the cards in my LGS and from other player in community, but when I have to buy cards from other countries and from diffrent sellers and the cost of cards I have to buy to complete my deck is for example $20 but they are from diffrent sellers and I have to pay multiple times for international shipping and this cost will exceed the total cost of cards it's totally not OK with me ;)

So I started to think about alternatives. Precon Modern Event Deck is too expensive for me for the begining.But what about other Event Decks? They was constructed to play in standard but maybe there is some value in those boxes after rotation? Maybe some of them have potential for further upgrades and having fun at Modern FNM in my LGS?

Or idea of going with old event deck to modern fnm is just bonkers?

Here is a list of decks I'm able to find in my region. I like the Selesnya, 2013 and 2014 core sets deck. But are they upgradeable with modern format in mind?

Strenght of Selesnya:

Thrive and Crash:


2013 Core Set:

2014 Core Set:




Standard* smutazos


Born of Gods:


perrin515 says... #2

Use TCGplayer.com with TCGplayer direct.

December 26, 2016 11:33 a.m.

smutazos says... #3

I'm from Europe

December 26, 2016 11:37 a.m.

AlexoBn says... #4

Use magiccardmarket then

December 26, 2016 11:44 a.m.

Dredge4life says... #5

Mono Black Devotion isn't terrible, so that would be BotG event deck. Other than that, the others aren't great, and it would be cheaper to just buy singles if you can find them.

December 26, 2016 4:51 p.m.

SwiftDeath says... #6

The real question I have before I can suggest anything is do you want it to be modern casual just to be able to play with friends, modern viable so it is strong enough to win a game or two during events, or modern tourney so it can win more then it losses? The last one does take a considerable amount of skill as well, not just a good deck.

December 26, 2016 5:32 p.m.

smutazos says... #7

The perfect situation would be if I could eventually (after some upgrades) take this deck to FNM and play with pleasure :) so winning one or two games would be fun but also losing match 2-1 is acceptable.

December 28, 2016 7:12 a.m.

Boza says... #8

Do not get a precon deck. They have 1-2 copies of cards you need the most. Instead, look for budget decks on this site and find something you like i.e.:

Budget Acid Trip

Cheap and effective, with a clear upgrade path with branches.

December 28, 2016 7:26 a.m.

Shocker says... #9

how about an Advent of the Wurm populate deck running cards like Pacifism as inexpensive and available creature hate. the land base in the selesny deck seems very slow though. get a 5/5 wurm with trample for dour mana out, and then populate for two mana... would be fun to try. do you have three more Advent of the Wurm cards so you can go all in?

December 29, 2016 8:31 a.m.

SwiftDeath says... #10

So my suggestion is the same as above. Dont buy precon, it is not cost effective for what you will need for a deck that can survive in tourneys. You are going to have to look at spending a decent amount of money on a deck that can hold its own though. I wouldn't suggest so much a budget deck from this site as that can as much of a trap as buying precon. While a budget deck will allow you to play quickly you won't like the results as they look like they might do really well but in reality they still fall short of the mark. Your best bet is to play whatever deck you want on the cheap end, not to win, for game experience. While you are doing this find a deck you really want to play that is in that higher tier for the format and slowly build up into the deck you want improving it over time. This serves two purposes: It allows you to be able to play without worrying about the outcome and gets you experience. The other is that it gives you a chance to see what is played in your area so as your adding and adjusting to your deck you can make is stronger by adding cards to the main/side board that will give your deck the edge in post board matchups. As you play a deck you will come to understand what the strengths and weaknesses are and you will be able to adapt to more situations.

December 30, 2016 2:11 p.m.

keevel says... #11

The Hold the Line with Champion of the Parrish is a nice starter option that sacrifices some immediate power for flexibility, cost and upgradability.

  1. Gives you a chance to pick you own second color
  2. Defers the expense of mana base building to upgrades without sacrificing power.
  3. Tons of modern playable humans for several archetypes. From Monastery Swiftspear and Experiment One to Snapcaster Mage and Dark Confidant
  4. Current Standard has available, affordable, appropriate Humans


January 1, 2017 3:14 p.m.

This discussion has been closed