Would This Work?
Modern forum
Posted on Nov. 7, 2014, 8:13 p.m. by Ph0xPhire
Alright, so I've realized more and more that modern is all about early infect plays and UR burn kinda stuff. After looking at some innistrad cards, I realized that undying could be decent in this meta. Strangleroot Geist, Young Wolf, and Pyreheart Wolf all came to mind. I then stumbled upon this http://archive.wizards.com/Magic/magazine/Article.aspx?x=mtg/daily/boab/180
Kinda wondering if this could be viable in moderns current format?
JexInfinite says... #3
Strangleroot Geist is the only playable undying card, and it only fits in mono green. Undying is good against tempo plays, but is just too slow to outpace the strategy.
November 7, 2014 8:58 p.m.
APPLE01DOJ says... #4
U can however use your stratedgy in a zombiepox kinda deck. 4x Gravecrawler Bloodghast Vengevine Diregraf Ghoul and Lotleth Troll Accompanied with Liliana of the Veil and Smallpox
November 7, 2014 9:21 p.m.
APPLE01DOJ says... #5
U could easily throw in some Strangleroot Geist or Geralf's Messenger
November 7, 2014 9:21 p.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #6
Not many people play Infect in Modern. I do, but I'm a special case.
Those cards aren't good enough for Modern. Kitchen Finks, however, is.
November 7, 2014 10:05 p.m.
There is a lot more to modern than "early infect plays and UR burn".
November 8, 2014 12:29 a.m.
No, UR burn pretty much sums up modern at the moment.
November 8, 2014 1:14 a.m.
Your best bet would be undying with stuff like Bioshift, Hex Parasite, Zameck Guildmage, Lorescale Coatl, Mikaeus, the Unhallowed, Triskelion, and those types of things. The you have the potential to infinite combo on someone. It probably won't be fast enough to win, but you do have that firepower. You would probably beat most control decks and get smashed by the aggros, depend ing on how you built it.
November 8, 2014 10:05 a.m.
Alright. Seems as the gerneral consensus is to NOT go with this idea. I'll probably just go back to tinkering with infect, as I am on a small budget. Although the ideas that DarkHero listed actually seem interesting. I sorta want to tinker with them, mayhaps create some kind of +1+1 deck. Wonder if it's been done?
November 8, 2014 8:08 p.m.
Ph0xPhire when Undying was in standard it was common for people to remove the counters that resulted from it to make for content Undying, and use the counters for something else. Then EDH started using the Mikaeus + Triskelion combo to instakill. (Remover 2 counters for 2 dmg to opponent, remove the last one to kill itself, comes back from undying, repeat)
November 8, 2014 8:26 p.m.
i had a blue green aggro deck during INN/RTR standard that could consistently pull off wins with the above mentioned cards but i don't think it would be competitive/fast enough to work in Modern. Here's the decklist just in case. I mean it could work with some tinkering but would never be tier one material I don't think. But i also know very little about modern meta game.
Evolved Aggro Playtest
SCORE: 10 | 15 COMMENTS | 2025 VIEWSBest of luck and may you never be mana screwed.
November 8, 2014 10:05 p.m.
DarkHero I know, I am trying to make a SUPER consistent/efficient infect deck though. Most ones I have tested can pull like 5 turn wins best case, assuming there is no tomfoolery going on in the whole control/burn case for the oppenent. I also think the shuffling system on this site might be offm because it always seems like no matter what infect deck I play, I get a hand of either too many lands, too many buffs, or too many monsters (which is rare). With that being said I am looking into a slower infect deck such as http://archive.wizards.com/Magic/magazine/Article.aspx?x=mtg/daily/boab/169. However, I feel like it won't work in the current meta due to the sheer amount of speed/burn.
Bellock86 that deck looks kinda cool, I might make it just for fun if I ever get the cards.
I've also been looking at a budget 8rack deck by this guy AlphaTechnical. http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/budget-waste-rack-extened/
November 8, 2014 10:40 p.m.
And another question, what would be some other tier one modern decks aside from the obvious delver?
November 8, 2014 10:44 p.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #17
Affinity, Burn as well as Birthing Pod and Splinter Twin are also Tier 1.
November 9, 2014 9:02 a.m.
All of those decks looks nasty as fuck. Do you guys think a waste rack deck would be viable in this format?
November 9, 2014 12:06 p.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #19
8-Rack is already a deck, and catches a lot of people by surprise. It's a reasonable Tier 2 option, but I wouldn't expect to win all your matches.
November 9, 2014 12:37 p.m.
That's fine by me. Control is honestly more my style, as I played heavy control decks back in my competitive yugioh days. That and you can pretty much get 90% of an 8 rack budget deck for 30$ or less, wereas budget infect is decent, but very inconsistent unless you like dropping 60$ for a single Noble Hierarch, and 20$ for a playset of Inkmoth Nexus
November 9, 2014 12:40 p.m.
APPLE01DOJ says... #22
8Rack isn't really a control style deck...
Budget versions suck to be blunt. U can make a really good 8Rack deck but u need fetches and lillys and Ensnaring Bridges & Infernal Tutors...
November 9, 2014 2:32 p.m.
not to mention Inquisition of Kozilek and Thoughtseize
if that is a dead end, then I really have no idea where else to turn for a decent deck that won't run me a shitton of money
November 9, 2014 2:34 p.m.
Burn is very good right now. Especially splashing for treasure cruise
November 9, 2014 2:43 p.m.
APPLE01DOJ says... #25
Every established deck has it's money cards... My advice to u is to just find a deck that u like and slowly put it together over time. Modern doesn't rotate.
I built Mono Infect for about 80$ and it's a decent deck. I built Mono
Burn for fairly cheap and it's a decent deck too. It doesn't have Goblin Guides and the next biggest money card is Eidolon of the Great Revel but it's been consistently hitting T4 wins.
November 9, 2014 2:49 p.m.
That seems like a good quote to take away from this. I guess I will just build a budget 8rack, and slowly build it up over time like you said.
WicKid52 says... #2
I doubt it. Modern just has better cards that those.
November 7, 2014 8:42 p.m.