Looking for suggestions for my Oathbreaker deck
Oathbreaker forum
Posted on Aug. 2, 2019, 4:54 p.m. by Zeddicuus
I am pretty new to Oathbreaker, having build a couple decks to test the waters
This is the deck I've come up with recently to tinker about. The main strategy is to play as many non-creature spells as possible to build up the Servo tokens to try to trigger one of many cards that could cause all kinds of problems. Details are written in the descriptions with the list.
Differing win conditions can range from a hasted token swarm, milling, direct damage, storming with Grapeshot. I've been trying to configure it to go as fast as possible to avoid opponents' removal, so there are quite a few tutors involved to help get the exact artifacts and instants/sorceries I need at that particular time.
Any comments and/or suggestions are always appreciated!
Yeah, it relies pretty heavily on the OB being on the battlefield to truly be efficient. I've made a couple other OB decks where the deck isn't quite so heavily dependent, but it felt like the OB was just there so I could use the SS. So I designed this one to bring the OB into the spotlight. I figured I would try a more heavy handed approach at seeing how fast I can accelerate my OB into being a main strategy component instead of just allowing me to use the colours I want and to have access to my Signature Spell. I'd love to find more efficient (and hopefully less expensive money wise) means to make this go online as early as possible.
I mostly just wanted to see how degenerate I could make this version of Saheeli, and how fast I could make it happen before the opponents get their defenses up. I haven't had time to fully assemble the deck to test yet.
Local meta has a couple of players making use of Ashiok, Dream Render but not Narset, Parter of Veils , so I might swap a lot of the tutor for card draw to dig into the deck to get any of the components.
walruscustard says... #2
I noticed your deck's strategy lives or dies on your planeswalker being around to make tokens. I'd recommend 5 or 6 cards with fabricate or some other easy token-generating ability.
August 3, 2019 12:41 p.m.