Sarkhan on a Budget
Oathbreaker forum
Posted on July 16, 2019, 4:06 a.m. by bambabambam
Hey guys,
Me and friends decided to start playing oathbreaker but with one restriction.
Total Budget of the Deck is 50€ (we checked the Price trend for the Cards on cardmarket)
So I decided to go with Sarkhan Unbroken + Sarkhan's Triumph .
Maybe some of you can tell me your thoughts on the deck and if you have some advice. Our playgroup is not very competetive and most of the guys try to go with style over power so mine is Dragon tribal.
So here it is: Drache 2.0 Oh, I just realized Sol Ring is banned so i got to Change that
Thank you in advance
walruscustard says... #2
Intet, the Dreamer and Atarka, World Render are some spicy on-color dragons you can add without breaking your budget. Crucible of Fire also intensely rewards dragons tribal (and isn't expensive). I see you have Temur Ascendancy but you might consider adding Anger to increase the odds of having global haste ready to go.
July 19, 2019 10:50 p.m.