Looking for Casual Players (XMage)
Online Magic forum
Posted on Sept. 28, 2020, 6:14 p.m. by tacolover25
Do you play XMage? Tired of getting stomped? Read on.
Winning is important. I understand. I really do. Who doesn't like winning? Of course, it is my humble opinion that some decks simply take it too far.
If you play XMage and are looking for a more casual experience, please let me know by dropping a comment down below.
tacolover25 says... #3
Hmmm. That seems rather odd. Let me see if understand correctly.
You went to "http://xmage.de" and downloaded the jar file but weren't able to run the program.
Did you make sure java was running on your computer at the time? The program requires it to run. If you'd like, I can help you get it set up. Do you use Windows?
September 28, 2020 10:34 p.m.
DragonSliver9001 says... #4
MagicMarc try using cockatrice. its so much easier to install and set up.
September 28, 2020 11:18 p.m.
Daveslab2022 says... #5
(Untap.in doesn’t have any setup or downloads at all)
September 29, 2020 9 a.m.
I downloaded the installer. Which only unpacked a RAR and doesnt have any launcher files in it as far as I can tell.
Later, I tried the xmage.de link while following the manual install process.
September 29, 2020 11:17 a.m.
tacolover25 says... #7
I will look into Cockatrice. I've had problems with it in the past which is why I don't currently use it. I still believe I can help you install it.
MagicMarc, can you enable chat on TappedOut between the two of us? It would make communication easier. This way I can assist you with the install.
You aren't supposed to extract the .jar archive, you're simply supposed to run it like an executable (.exe) using java.
September 29, 2020 2:17 p.m.
tacolover25 says... #9
Good to hear that you're a brewer. I can look you up but I need to know your username on XMage. Mine is Tacolover.
Let's play sometime.
MagicMarc says... #2
I saw this post and thought to download XMage and check it out. The JAR file that i downloaded does not have the folders and files mentioned in the installation guide on the website used to install it.
There are no exe files, no launchers as far as I can tell and the folders that the guide mentions; ../mage-client/startClientWin7.bat - starts the client only, ../mage-server/startServerWin7.bat - starts the server only, ../startMageWin7.bat - starts both server and client did not populate when I extracted the RAR.
The guide also has a dead link to the latest version "Go to http://xmage.info" and that loads a page listing the domain as For Sale.
Went to their forums and the only posts in 2020 pretty much show no one can run the client.
September 28, 2020 8:12 p.m.