Magic Duels Question
Online Magic forum
Posted on April 16, 2016, 4:59 p.m. by PistonGolem
Hello, I was wondering about how all the youtubers and pretty much everybody I play in battle mode has a ton of cards. Youtubers have pretty much all the chase cards, and in battle I see all kinds of eldrazi decks and others that require tons of packs to get. How does everyone get this many cards. Is there a way I can do it without paying?
PistonGolem says... #3
GearNoir, I am talking about Magic Duels, the Steam, free version of MTG.
April 16, 2016 6:09 p.m.
It would mostly come down to buying coins in the first place. Two purchases of the biggest coin pack can pretty much 100% one sets collection. Then, constant playing before the next set release allows them to build up a large bank of coins, so when the next set does release they have enough to buy over 50% of the set on launch, if not more, so they either don't invest more money or just don't invest much more
April 16, 2016 7:02 p.m.
Getting all the cards isn't difficult at all, considering that Magic Duels, even with the daily gold cap - allows to farm plenty of gold.
Investing real money would actually help, but even purchasing the single Origins set on day one, basically allowed the players to play for free since then.
Big sets like Origins, BfZ and SoI come in 80 boosters. Equal to 12k gold. Small sets like OGW come in 64 boosters.That means, in the 3 months span between the release of eveyr set, you'd only require 150 gold every day to purchase the next set for free on day one.
Capping gold daily allows you to purchase a whole large set in 26-28 days. After the SoI update and the new quests rewards' structure it is possible to farm between 485 and 565 gold daily, considering the quests, in 2-3 hours.
So, don't be amazed about people having already unlocked cards. Farming gold is extremely easy, and Magic Duels can be a completely F2P experience without more than a 1 hour daily effort.
GearNoir says... #2
Well the MTGO cards can be traded in for physical cards, so I imagine it is just as valid (sometimes even cheaper I understand) to buy online as it is a LGS?
April 16, 2016 5:42 p.m.