Pauper MTG Forum
Combo-ing off? (Closed)
Balance (Closed)
Where to buy paper pauper? (Closed)
How to Crop Rotation? (Closed)
Sinkhole Online Legality (Closed)
Help against my local meta (Closed)
Paper Pauper: Let's Talk (Closed)
Creating A Ban List For Paper Pauper (Closed)
PLEASE HELP vs infect and stompy (Closed)
Brewing in Pauper (Closed)
Blood-Cursed Knight in Pauper EDH (Closed)
Breaking in to Pauper (Closed)
Pauper Tournaments (Closed)
I get the legality rules, but... (Closed)
How to get a playgroup into Pauper? (Closed)
The State of Standard Pauper (Closed)
What's wrong with Esper Sage? (Closed)
Sideboard against Mono Black Control (Closed)
What deck to build (Closed)
How to beat Delver? (Closed)
Best builds to combat Soul Sisters (Closed)
Treasure Cruise in Pauper (Closed)
Pauper Legalty (Closed)
Is graveyard a thing? (Closed)
Is Doomblade Pauper legal (Closed)
Deck builder is messing up w/ pauper (Closed)
New legalities? (Closed)
how to start off (Closed)
Creating a Paper Pauper Tournament (Closed)
Trying to get into pauper. (Closed)
Preordain over Ponder? (Closed)
Standard pauper going infinite (Closed)
Control win cons (Closed)
[[servant of tymaret]] (Closed)
Pauper (non-EDH) (Closed)
Infinite Combos (Closed)
Will pauper grab on? (Closed)
Artifact Lands? (Closed)
Sanctioned Pauper? (Closed)
Pauper EDH (Closed)
Blaze commando as pauper general? (Closed)
Modern Masters Reprints (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Legality - Gnarlwood Dryad
- Pauper and PDH combos
- Card ideas/suggestions for a pauper "man-land" deck?
- How to kill a resolved Guardian of the Guildpact?
- Dual lands vs. basics
- Pauper Brawl, but not? Yes/No?
- Is Cast Down the best targeted destruction removal in Black?
- Bontu the Glorified
- Snow Duals Bug
- Flailing Soldier: An Upside?