Paper pauper
Pauper forum
Posted on Jan. 14, 2014, 1:42 p.m. by SharuumNyan
The only official recognition pauper gets from Wizards is the online version, but lots of people play paper pauper now. Do you think it's only a matter of time before paper pauper is officially recognized too?
While similar, there are variant rules for the paper version. Some places use the online banned list, others don't. There are also commons online in the Masters Editions that were never printed as commons in paper, and whether or not they can be used in paper pauper is up for debate (not allowed in my league). There are even some leagues that allow uncommons in pauper.
With the low cost, I think a lot of people are interested in playing this format. But it would be much easier to run sanctioned events if the official rules were spelled out. For example, if you play in more than one league, your deck might not be legal in both being of clashing rules.
What do you think?
Oh, if uncommons are allowed, technically that's peasant, which is a variant that allows upto 5 uncommons in a pauper deck.
January 16, 2014 3:45 p.m.
I'd love to see a paper pauper tourney! My buddies and I play a lot of casual pauper, and I'm definitely seeing the uprising in the number of available casual pauper players at my LGS.
I think in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't make any money sense for Wizards to sanction paper pauper, though.
gufymike says... #2
Locally we follow the online printings and banlist, it's simpler and cleaner to do. Mainly we do this because of the banlist. Without it the format degenerates into mono-U Temporal Fissure decks and who can win the dice roll to get it out first.
Personally, I agree with that, since online has fleshed out the format to get it to a healthy place.
If I went to a place with a different ban list, I would adjust to that ban list. I do that with EDH, locally we have a different banlist than the global one and when I go out of town, I revert back to the official banlist. If I walked in to a new place to play pauper, I would assume online rules until told differently, then adjust.
January 14, 2014 2:08 p.m.