Paper Pauper: Let's Talk

Pauper forum

Posted on Oct. 31, 2015, 10:14 a.m. by Dalektable

Recently I'd say pauper had been on the decline, but then Tolarian Community College sparked a new interest in the format. I love the format, but I can't play MTGO so I play paper magic but starting up a community for pauper has been difficult. Some problems persist and have repeatedly been a source of grief, such as the fact that Pauper is inherently an online format. At this point in time, people view the format solely as an online format but in reality it could easily branch into paper. Have any of you had experience playing pauper in paper at your LGS, and how does it work? Was it difficult to start up? In my mind, I see the format as a great way to get younger players into competitive level magic at a cheap entry price and for more experienced players it is another format to play with no real financial investment. I'm thinking of building a sort of gauntlet of decks: Some brews, tier one decks and all in between to bring to my game store to sort of spark an interest in the format. Would this be a good idea? Anyways, I've thrown out some of my thoughts on the format and I'd love to hear yours.

ChiefBell says... #2

It's a really good entry into the game because the decks are cheap but still ruthless. I mean pauper has some pretty brutal aggro and control decks so it's not like an 'easy' format. I've suggested it to my LGS and it was fine - a few guys started bringing pauper decks and we played casually. By casually I mean there was no prize support but we still played T1 pauper.

October 31, 2015 10:17 a.m.

Dalektable says... #3

ChiefBell Agreed. I mean, I play Delver and the deck is brutal haha.

October 31, 2015 10:33 a.m.

kedrar_pa says... #4

We build pauper decks at my home to play. We have 5 or 6, and while there are a couple that are a bit stronger, any deck is capable of being beaten by any other deck at any time. To make it fair and fun, we line the decks up, and then roll dice to determine who plays which deck. I love the format, and it's fun to play cards that you don't often get played.

October 31, 2015 11:11 a.m.

pauper mono blue delver is ruthless. Backing up a T2 flipped delver with counterspells and preordains is insane

October 31, 2015 11:22 a.m.

MoJoMiXuP says... #6

make a solid pauper deck and beat a few decks from other formats at your LGS with it - that aught to get some people curious. Personally love pauper and have only ever played it paper.

October 31, 2015 12:07 p.m.

Travman13 says... #7

At my LGS we have a weekly pauper tournament and today we did pauper cube with 6 people. It was pretty cool.

November 1, 2015 7:51 p.m.

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