[PDH] Bant Combo
Pauper forum
Posted on Jan. 27, 2016, 12:53 p.m. by Ruffigan
So I'm trying to build a Bant combo deck for Pauper EDH and I'm struggling to choose a commander. None of them benefit the Ghostly Flicker/Cloud of Faeries combos so I've narrowed it down to commanders that can utilize cards that aid Midnight Guard/Devoted Druid/Axebane Guardian combos. These are my choices:
- Ragnar: Can use haste equipment and helps keep my combo creatures on the board.
- Skyward Eye Prophets: Can get some serious card draw/ramp going with untap effects, but comes out in the mid game.
- Aerie Mystics: No synergy with either combo camp, but can protect my creatures from targeted removal.
Also, any potential combos in that you think I should run would be greatly appreciated as I'm not very familiar with Pauper combos beyond Cloud of Faeries and Midnight Guard.
canterlotguardian says... #2
If you're going to use Ragnar, then why not just make it a traditional EDH deck and just have it be super-budget? PDH has a non-legendary uncommon as its general, as I'm pretty sure you already know. I like Skyward Eye Prophets in this role. Or maybe Rhox War Monk as an alternate win-con if you find you're not hitting your combo quickly enough (or just to stall until you do).
You could also run Midnight Guard + Presence of Gond for infinite Elf tokens.
January 27, 2016 1:34 p.m. Edited.