The State of Standard Pauper
Pauper forum
Posted on April 1, 2015, 9:26 p.m. by RVI
So, I just noticed this article today. At first I thought it was an April Fools' Day joke - Standard Pauper is recognized on Magic Online (barely), so surely it would be listed on the WOTC list of MTG formats, right?
Well, actually... no. Many stranger variants of Magic are listed, and, interestingly enough, regular Pauper is listed, but no attention is given to this particular style of play. I thought that was very odd.
You can read the rest of the article if you want to know more, but my questions are these:
Do you believe that Standard Pauper is a dead format? That is to say, how difficult of a time would you have actually organizing a Standard Pauper event at your LGS?
Personally, there is almost no interest in the idea at my local game store, but I am now wondering if that is due to a general lack of information on the format's existence.
What are your experiences?
Guys you should check
We run Standard Pauper PREs twice a week (every Sunday and Monday). We used to have 20-30 players in every tournament before the change to V4, now we usually have 10-15, but with V4 becoming more stable we hope to get our attendance back.
If you want to know the format better, there are a few web resources you can rely on. The aforementioned site is the home of the PREs and have an active forum. There is also which is the personal blog of gwyned, MPDC host and the closest we have for a patron to the format. hosts a weekly youtube show/podcast which has the format at its main focus. is the home of a clan dedicated to make this format bigger. is the personal blog of Cabel, who is a long time Std Pauper player who is currently organizing paper events on the format. is the personal blog of DrChrisBakerDC, host of SPDC and probably the best brewer in the format.
I invited everyone heading this to join us at Our community is very friendly and our events very competitive with many high level players. And it's all a lot fun!
April 3, 2015 10:41 p.m.
As do I! I think that Standard Pauper is unique in that it provides the same level of variety as Standard at a fraction of the cost (even for, "competitive," decks)! So, it's not only a great place to get started, but, due to its rotating meta, it maintains its spice long after other formats have expired.
At the same time, the cheaper cards mean that the costs normally associated with rotation are almost completely negligible. I do wonder if the increased rate of Standard rotation will bring anyone over to this format who is not particularly interested in selling their kidneys.
Thank you for the excellent resources. It's good to know that the player-run side of the community is actively striving for success - now, if only Wizards would pick up the slack, we'd be golden.
April 3, 2015 10:58 p.m.
actually they do reference standard pauper near the bottom.
May 8, 2015 10:27 a.m.
Ooh, that's new. Cool! Well, it looks like this thread has served its purpose.
Metronoid says... #2
I am a first timer when it comes to magic online, as such I decided to play standard pauper as its the best format to get into. My hopes are that it will come back from the dead depths it has been in and rises as a well played format. Fingers crossed.
April 3, 2015 5:35 p.m.