Cheaper replacement of Dawn of Hope
Pioneer Deck Help forum
Posted on April 15, 2020, 1:15 p.m. by Ninokun
Any thoughts? I have a deck with a lot of life gaining, and I want to use that to gain some card advantage or board advantage. Dawn of Hope is pretty cool but too expensive for me. Cam you suggest any alternative? White and/or green. Enchantment, soldier, knight or centaur. My deck is Battalion of Centaurs (Part II: Showdown).
Thanks for your help!
Magnanimous says... #3
Look at the deck, it's under $20.
Also, I haven't looked through every option, but I seriously doubt that another card will generate card advantage and tokens as cheaply as this. You'll need to make concessions somewhere. So, can you specify what kind of concessions you're willing to make? Are you playing it for the card advantage? The tokens? The low mana cost? That said, Legion's Landing Flip half works, especially in your deck. Also, a deck as cheap as yours is impressive and you are going to have to make significant concessions when you're paying <$0.33 per card.
April 15, 2020 2:31 p.m.
I get it, and I considered to get the deck as is, but I wanted to explore other alternatives if available to get the deck to $15. It's kind of the fun for me.
I checked various options but I couldn't decide if they were good or not. That Legion's Landing Flip was an option. Now that you mention it, I will test it. If you got another suggestion, it'll be really appreciated.
April 15, 2020 2:40 p.m.
There aren't many cards as good as this. You can wait 6 months for standard rotation to make that cheaper. Alternatively, Ajani, the Greathearted is cheaper and works better in your deck.
Angel of Vitality and Path of Bravery are other good payoffs for having 25 or more life. if you think you can gain 4 life per turn reliably Angelic Accord is the best payoff.
April 16, 2020 5:23 a.m.
Wow! Great cards. But I think Path of Bravery goes better with the theme of my deck. I'll test them all anyway.
April 16, 2020 6:41 a.m.
I replaced it with Season of Growth just to try how it fits with the deck. Good thing about this card is that I can filter my drawing, which is cool.
PitaGryphon says... #2
too expensive in what way? its only 2 mana and $2.
April 15, 2020 1:44 p.m.