Pioneer coming to my LGS
Pioneer Deck Help forum
Posted on April 16, 2022, 5:31 p.m. by KL185
My local game store is going to host its first ever pioneer event in a couple weeks so I'm looking for some criticism to improve and better understand this delver deck I plan on bringing. I usually only played modern, where every night was always full and almost every person was someone who showed up every week with a tier 1 deck so I'm expecting the pioneer night to also be very competitive. What I'm concerned about is how my deck is going to perform, given my predictions and the completely unknown local meta. I'm expecting a lot of phoenix and Winota, but nothing is certain yet. It's supposed to be a budget deck, and I have no idea about my sideboard, which is why I'm a bit unconfident.
rotimislaw says... #2
Had a look at the deck, looks neat!
To me, it could spoil the blood of opponents, for sure. If it will be top tier, hard to say without clarified meta. But definately worth give it a try!
April 19, 2022 8:05 a.m.