Bant Landfall

Pioneer forum

Posted on April 20, 2020, 4:08 p.m. by TriusMalarky

Really curious what you guys think -- could Bant Landfall be good? Bant mostly for Fall of the Thran, which (with my brew) can easily be played on turn 4 with some luck. Also Zendikar's Roil and Risen Reef work really well together.

Time Wipe and Settle the Wreckage could be pretty good as alternatives to Fall, and Time Wipe even saves Reef(which is the one creature worth caring about).

Retreat to Emeria also has token generation and a built-in Overrun type effect.

Arboreal Grazer and Crumbling Vestige can create really explosive turn ones... If you draw perfectly(probably something like a 5% chance) you can land Roil on t2 and Fall on t3, locking your opponent out of a turn and giving you little to no downside.

Also graveyard hate is twice as good if you are running Fall.

whatqwerty says... #2

Would love to ponder over this concept, but I don't have a link to the decklist, which makes it difficult to fully evaluate the idea.

I do think that this idea sounds super fun, and something I would like try, but I think that the numbers in this kind of deck would be very important.

Also the curve of said deck seems a bit high, so maybe having a few counterspells might be a good idea.

April 20, 2020 5:16 p.m.

Argy says... #3

Need to see a deck list before I can comment effectively.

Not sure land destruction is the way to go. Packing with cards that put extra lands on the field might be better.

April 20, 2020 8:43 p.m.

TriusMalarky says... #4

Sorry, I'll throw together an approximate list quick. The reason I think Fall is good here is it puts a temporary bottleneck on the opp's resources, then gets you 4 landfall triggers on top of it.

April 21, 2020 10:57 a.m.

whatqwerty says... #5

Seems like Tatyova, Benthic Druid could be quite good in the deck as a way to keep the gas flowing. It could just be that she is to weak, but the card draw you could get would be insane.

April 21, 2020 11:30 a.m.

TriusMalarky says... #6

Thoughts on Tatyova @whatqwerty:

1) We can remove Time Wipe for her. She'd just replace it.

2) She would draw a ton of cards. Not sure we really need this, but then again it is a ramp heavy build which means it can start vomiting cards pretty early.

3) We already have Risen Reefs. If we draw a second, or even a third, they go off the walls. And if we get a Reef and Zendikar's Roil then we will be good on fuel forever.

4) However, 2 extra cards that enable the Roil+Reef card draw engine as 1-card engines might work. She does dodge Push and Decay, Drown in the Loch for the most part, Shock and Wild Slash, and even Spell Queller; so she has "Hexproof" against half the top tier removal.

April 21, 2020 4:51 p.m.

Argy says... #7

This is a better way to put your deck up.

Bant Landfall

April 23, 2020 3:03 p.m.

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