A Study in Magic
Social forum
Posted on Dec. 9, 2016, 4:40 p.m. by kohlrabi91
I am currently doing a study on social competitive gameplay. Below are a few survey questions aimed mostly at people who attend Friday Night Magic. Please feel free to answer any or all the questions or include information you feel is important. Thanks.
1.How did you start attending these competitions?
2.Describe your first time competing in this format.
3.Do you usually attend these competitions alone or in a group?
4.How do you treat a newcomer or inexperienced player wishing to join the competition?
5.How vital to newcomer initiation is the mentor program at MTG competitions?
6.Is there anything about the competition format you would like to change? Why?
7.What do you and other competitors have in common beyond MTG?
8.What factors do you see as contributing to an enjoyable competitive environment? What factors detract from that?
ToolmasterOfBrainerd says... #3
1.How did you start attending these competitions?
0-3 for at least 4-5 tournaments before I started winning things. I stuck with it and have gone 3-0 before a few times and consistently 2-1.
2.Describe your first time competing in this format.
I showed up with a deck horribly unequipped for modern playing 6-drops and stuff. I learned a lot though.
3.Do you usually attend these competitions alone or in a group?
Usually alone, but I have brought people from my playgroup a handful of times.
4.How do you treat a newcomer or inexperienced player wishing to join the competition?
If they're super new I'll give them some cards. If they're less new, I'll give them encouragement and since I'm Minnesotan, apologize a lot as I beat them.
5.How vital to newcomer initiation is the mentor program at MTG competitions?
What's the mentor program?
6.Is there anything about the competition format you would like to change? Why?
Nope! Changes to the format itself, yeah, but to the competition itself, things are good.
7.What do you and other competitors have in common beyond MTG?
Don't know the other competitors well enough to know.
8.What factors do you see as contributing to an enjoyable competitive environment? What factors detract from that?
Players that are enjoyable to play against go a long way. Opponents that get pissed when they lose and opponents that are just unfun to play against make for a miserable time.
December 9, 2016 6:24 p.m.
Dredge4life says... #4
1: Started playing in 2011, played one match and quit. Rejoined in 2014 when a friend saw my old cards and asked if we could play.
2: Played a garbage Temur deck with no fixing in RtR standard. Randomly went 2-2 because opponents couldn't deal with Woodborn Behemoth and Into the Wilds. Great experience, everyone was nice. Met some great friends.
3: I used to bring a friend who had become as competitive as I am, but we had a disagreement recently so I've been going alone. I have a lot of friends at my LGS, however.
4: Depends on the attitude of the newcomer. If they seem kind and treat me with respect, then I extend them the same curtesy and offer advice on how to improve their deck. If they view me as not worth their time, then fine. I will generally avoid interacting with them.
5: I am also unaware of what you're referencing.
6: Not to the structure of the events, just the type of MtG we play. I:E, Modern events instead of Standard.
7: Our sense of humor is somewhat similar. We are able to laugh with each other.
8: Again, Toolmaster did a great job summing it up. Your playerbase is everything. If we are able to keep it to being just a game, then I'm all smiles. The second it gets personal, that's where there's problems. In a tournament setting, I'm trying to win, and you are my opponent. I assume you are also trying to win. When both players accept this as fact, then we play good games. When another player rejects my style of play or my ways of winning (as long as I'm not being a jerk about it,) then it is no longer fun for me. In casual games, this is of course different.
Hope this helps!
December 11, 2016 5 p.m.
kohlrabi91 says... #5
Thanks! The mentor program at the Friday Night Magic events I have attended is an experienced player that the venue compensates with some sort of accrued points used to enter tournaments and get store discounts in exchange for the tutelage of new and interested players. Must not be a ubiquitous thing!
December 11, 2016 8:40 p.m.
Dredge4life says... #6
That sounds awesome! No LGS in my area does it, but it's a great idea!
Dylan says... #2
A Google Survey???
December 9, 2016 5:17 p.m. Edited.