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Posted on April 1, 2018, 1:52 p.m. by Suns_Champion

Happy Easter y'all!

It being Easter, I decided it was time to resurrect this thread!

Here are the rules: Tag someone and their deck that you enjoyed!

This probably can't be a chain like the others, as we're tagging users and their decks(no accountability), but I still thought it'd be fun to try out, again!

I'll start:

Queen Marchesa: Politics, Aikido, and Control

Commander / EDH* precociousapprentice

SCORE: 289 | 429 COMMENTS | 46581 VIEWS | IN 175 FOLDERS

by precociousapprentice is an insanely well thought out and developed Aikido deck. You can tell how much love and hard work has been put into it. Featuring an incredibly detailed primer and a lot of fun stuff in the deck, including a Sunforger package, which I enjoy immensely. I also love the commander, colors, strategy, synergies, and overall feel of the deck. Check it out!

So, what decks have you seen that are awesome? Advertise them!

Here is one of my favorite decks that is not my own. Obviously, I like this style of play.

Konda's Yojimbo Learns Aikido by wraya2.

Mono-White is an additional restriction that can create both challenge and confusion. I have not played it, but I bet it ends up being underestimated all the time.

April 1, 2018 2:56 p.m.

wraya2 says... #3

Thanks for the nod precociousapprentice. The deck often times gets highly overlooked and confuses the hell out of people. "Is it pillow fort?" "Do you ever do anything with that deck?""White counter spells?!" Yada yada. It's pretty meta dependent though. Works best against those Timmy players out there who like to turn em sideways. Frustrates the hell out of em when their big baddies can do nothing.

A deck I really like is a Pauper Commander deck by Podkomorka The Flicker Force - Pauper EDH. A really fun flicker deck that I feel is still pretty competitive despite the Commons only restriction.

April 1, 2018 5:02 p.m. Edited.

Podkomorka says... #4

Thank you for the nice words wraya2 :) I really appreciate you being a part of the community of Pauper EDH.

I came across a deck that really impressed me with its refinement in card choice. On top of that it is an all-color deck making choices that much more nit-picky. Fleshformer Mutiplayer by Prometheus2492 took on a great challenge and managed to make something awesome!

April 1, 2018 7:34 p.m.

Caerwyn says... #5

I'm a huge fan of unusual decks that win through unconventional means, and greatly enjoyed playtesting Power-towershell's I thought people liked gaining life. The deck revolves around Tainted Remedy and "gifting" your opponents considerable amounts of life. It is not the most powerful deck I've ever playtested, but it has been one of the most fun.

April 2, 2018 3:34 p.m.

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