Anchorage AK Legacy
Social forum
Posted on Aug. 7, 2014, 3:49 a.m. by chicagobearz
Anybody playing some competitive Legacy around Anchorage AK? Got 2 decks ready to go but it seems like the local store only does standard and modern at high levels. Eh, well any interested parties get a hold of me on tappedout and we'll see about gaming.
Gidgetimer says... #2
I am having the same type of problem. My freinds and I want to play legacy in South Eastern Ohio, but none of the stores have tournaments. We have even talked to the owners of 2 game shops about it and so far they haven't been able to drum up enough support for it. Sorry I'm not in AK or I would invite you to come over and play a 4 man tournament.
August 7, 2014 9:48 a.m.