Any Spokane/Spokane Valley players on here?

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Posted on Jan. 24, 2016, 4:28 p.m. by theemptyquiver

I'm moving to the Spokane area soon and will be leaving behind a solid playgroup and wanted to start a new playgroup, or at least find an existing one that has room available.

Hit me up Spokanites!

vampirelazarus says... #2

Wow, someone on here is close by me. Finally.

Spokane is about two hours away from where I live!

January 24, 2016 6:37 p.m.

theemptyquiver says... #3


Yeah. I'm moving from Seattle to Spokane in mid-March. (technically about 15 miles east of Spokane proper on the WA/ID border, but once you say Spokane it's all the same.

Where about is 2 hours?

I'm thinking of slowly putting together a playgroup. My new residence has a fully usable barn with heat, power and extra-large card table. So maybe some epic 10 hour EDH, or drafting sessions are in the future?

January 24, 2016 6:42 p.m.

vampirelazarus says... #4

I'm down south a little ways, Lewis/Clark area. We have a pretty hardcore modern group, and we go to Spokane all the time for PPTQ's and events at Gamer's Haven. I strongly recommend going in there some time. Plus its next to a Subway.

January 24, 2016 6:52 p.m.

theemptyquiver says... #5

Nice. That's just south of Pullman a ways, yes?

Shoot me a line next time your gang in headed to Spokane. (I don't play hardcore modern, but I have some old out-of-date standard decks from the Zendikar era and the New Phyrexia era that I play for fun).

Mostly my MTG time has been playing EDH for the last couple of years.

January 24, 2016 7 p.m.

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