Wizards of the Coast harboring pedophiles
Social forum
Posted on Dec. 30, 2017, 12:51 a.m. by masterpeez
Hey everybody, I don't know if you've heard or not, but it turns out that Wizards of the Coast has been harboring Pedophiles in their Pro-tour Judges panels and in positions within their company. Multiple members of their staff have been arrested for having sex with minors. I don't know the full extent of it, but Wizards of The Coast has been very hush-hush about this issue.
I went ahead and looked up the arrests and mtg-related publications about the judges mentioned in the video, just for the skeptics.
Hurry and read these links for yourself, before they are gone, as Wizards of the Coast are quickly getting rid of all mentions of these outed pedos.
It wouldn't be that big of a deal to have a few bad apples in the bunch, but Wizards of the Coast's reaction has not been to apologize for having these people in their group, but instead they are actively trying to scrub their websites and have launched a campaign of defamation and DOXING against TheQuartering and other individuals who are trying to shed light on this situation. To me, this suggests that Wizards of the Coast is harboring a pedophile ring. The least they could do is have background checks for their staff, as there are many minors at MTG events, but they don't.
Until Wizards of the Coast is completely turned out and replaced with decent folk, I'm not giving them a dime, and I highly recommend everyone to do the same.
And to you kids out there, be careful at any social MTG event.
Rabid_Wombat says... #2
nacnud91 I bet you collect Sheep tokens lol.
Educate yourself: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lzUHmAuN1U0
January 3, 2018 2:12 a.m.
Rabid_Wombat says... #3
Good call masterpeez, let's not get distracted by the trollz - this is about Wizardgate.
They had to shut down theQuartering's Youtube channel because everyone I showed those links and that vid to has sworn off going to Tourneys + buying MTG.
Looking out for kids is everyones responsibility...and it's become painfully obvious through this latest cover up and sacking that Wizards are not on the same page as the majority of people who want to protect children.
January 3, 2018 2:27 a.m.
masterpeez says... #4
I think Hasbro must be involved as well.
From above reddit thread:
The Quartering starts getting some media attention. Lou Colagiovanni, the award winning journalist who broke the Weinstein scandal, picks it up but no leftist outlet will cover it and defy Hasbro, who is a huge advertiser, so he publishes it through his friend's outlet, Nichegamer.This media blitz extends to Cernovich's new network having him on a livestream.During the livestream, someone (WOTC, Hasbro, SJWs?) organizes a mass flagging attempt to take Jeremey's channel offline, destroying all the discussion and evidence he has brought forward.
January 3, 2018 3:27 a.m.
@masterpeez I'm still not ready to believe that WOTC is running a pedo ring, but the fact they shut down TheQuartering's channel makes me seriously worried that there may be something bigger to this. Either that, or WOTC is just being the bullshit, butthurt, retardidly run, company that they are. Either way I am genuinely done wit buying MTG products besides singles, and I'm not putting in my DCI number when I go to FNM because I want wizards to see how this is hurting them.
This sucks so much because MTG is my favorite game ever, but I don't want to support WOTC because they are ruining it.
January 3, 2018 4:21 p.m.
A lot of discussion here seems to presume that WOTC has a button on their desk that shuts down youtube channels. It seems a lot more likely that a group of people casting themselves as "investigative journalists" ran aground of ordinary YouTube TOS, which explains why only one channel was removed, and not all of them. The fact that some of the people have nefarious histories doesn't change the fact that they are ordinary private citizens, and sites such as this one, and reddit, youtube, etc, have policies against such amateur investigations/doxxing/etc.
January 3, 2018 4:33 p.m. Edited.
Guess you didn't hear about mtg lion yeaGO however you look at this situation you gotta see something strange
January 3, 2018 8:54 p.m.
Rabid_Wombat says... #11
nacnud91 good on you man...I went one step further and burned my DCI card in a ritual purification ceremony.
January 3, 2018 11:49 p.m.
FaintlyThere says... #12
Ill say this and I do think this is in the realm of sketchy I'm friends with multiple judges and one of them happened to post this...
"The true fear isn't what the magic community will do it's self, the fear is what the breitbart community will do when they read the article tommarow and find a list of 1500 people.
My current goal is to figure out how to private everything on my facebook"
Now why would the goal to be to privatize everything if you have nothing to hide?
January 5, 2018 10:26 a.m.
Epochalyptik says... #13
Because they have no interest in being included in someone else's crusade?
It's a fundamental mistake to assume that people who aren't eager to share the details of their lives must have some dark secret to keep.
January 5, 2018 10:50 a.m.
I did a search of "wotc judges" and found that some judges were recently (as of 2016) suing WotC to be treated and paid like employees. I believe there may be management and logistics issues with this. I wonder how hard it is to find good mtg judges.
After searching "wotc judges pedophiles" all I found were youtubers, unreferreed bloggers, and Rense as sources as info.
That all being said, common sense should be enough for WotC or independent stores to have simple sex offender list checks and training / videos about it in place.
I am glad to see these things being taken seriously. It is way better to put safeguards in place proactively than to have the next story be about kids actually getting hurt because of not doing so.
January 5, 2018 11:31 a.m.
I wish I could upvote comment #63. That is spot on!
January 5, 2018 12:38 p.m. Edited.
WotC judges, employees, and cash prize winners (at the GP, Pro Tour, etc. levels) should be subject to background checks, only because our current justice system isn't perfect at can put people (in this case children) at risk.
I think if someone has to go on a list after they're let out of prison saying there's a possibility of them re-offending, they shouldn't be let out of prison. They shouldn't be treated as subhuman while in prison, especially if it's determined they will never rehabilitate.
That's not the world we live in, however. By not doing background checks and vetting people at WotC events, WotC opens themselves up to lawsuits and backlash. If it was found that WotC allowed a DCI judge with a history of abusing children be the head judge for an event involving children, and that judge abused one of those children, I can't imagine any court ruling in favor of WotC not having any responsibility.
I don't really buy into YouTube drama, either. It's the court of public opinion and YouTubers tend to omit anything contradicting whatever narrative generates them views and revenue. They're sensationalist and have limited or un-credible sources.
January 5, 2018 5:09 p.m.
Rabid_Wombat says... #17
Epochalyptik maybe that Judge friend of FaintlyThere is deciding right now is a good time to privatize his FB because the Feds are currently investigating every MTG Judge's profile on social media...don't be surprised if there are more arrests and charges laid in the near future.
January 5, 2018 9:56 p.m.
Grubbernaut says... #18
SJWs of the Coast proves themselves to be thunderous hypocrites, again... as usual.
They'll quietly amend their policies and act like they never did anything wrong. "B-but the judges are totally not WotC employees!" What a surprise, lefties exploit the people who make them money. Sheesh.
January 9, 2018 8:43 p.m.
HunterEste says... #20
Looks like we won, fellas! WOTC admitted the problem and is enforcing background checks. Cheers!
January 14, 2018 6:27 p.m.
I don't think anyone "won." Rather, WotC realized they were just asking for a lawsuit lol...
January 15, 2018 1:32 a.m.
HunterEste says... #22
Nah, the side that was right won. Jeremy and all the people who didn't want these sickos around kids won. WOTC (who was fine play "pass the buck" and pretending the issue wasn't there) had to admit they were wrong.
January 15, 2018 12:23 p.m.
Grubbernaut says... #23
If WotC refuses to change, I hope their sales continue to reflect it. When you OBVIOUSLY have all your pros shilling for you, and your groupthink doesn't allow for any disagreement (to the point of unwarranted bannings), you're not creating an environment that makes people want to invest hundreds and thousands of dollars only to see a game company fashion themselves as faux-political "activists" with the money.
WotC, you're a game company. I don't care if you're SJWs or full-blown alt-right, just keep your politics out of your product. Marvel's comics are doing terribly because they made a toxic, SJW environment, and WotC will reap the same reward if they continue to do what they're doing.
masterpeez says... #1
nacnud91: Certainly you are jesting aloud.
But we aren't here to discuss pizzagate. We are here to discuss Magicgate.
I don't see how that is helping Wizards of the Coast's image at all. Why are they so aggressively silencing investigative journalists?
Also, someone at Wizards of the Coast just got fired for suggesting implementation of background checks. I'll try and find some sauce on that, currently that's just something I heard from theQuartering, before his channel was shut down.
January 3, 2018 2:02 a.m.