Check out my MTG Instagram

Social forum

Posted on Dec. 4, 2016, 10:17 p.m. by 00xtremeninja

So I am getting into the MTG Instagram game and have plans of evolving it.

You can find me at @darettis_spaghetti

So far it is a daily posting of EDH cards I have in my decks as well as doing giveaways and other random fun surrounding MTG.

Future plans, include trying to get my LGS involved in letting me film some stuff there and possibly working with them in some sort of way.

I have been wanting to do a MTG Youtube channel for a while and after saving up, I am going to make it happen in the coming months. Booster packs upon booster packs emptied into a box and opening a few each video and discussing draft picks, and watching hilarity ensue opening something like Eternal Masters, Visions, and Nemesis as a draft pool. The fun thing with the Youtube video would be turning around and giving viewers and subscribers the chance to bid on items on Ebay to help continue funding the channel as well as drawings on some of them for a giveaway as a part of patreon or something of the sort.

But, gotta start somewhere, give me a follow @darettis_spaghetti and lets have some fun! I already have a random giveaway going which will end on Monday evening, so a chance to sill follow, like, and win!

00xtremeninja says... #2

The youtube channel is alive and i have slowly started to roll out MTG stuff. I do have a bunch of lets play video game and live stream nonsense on there too. Give it a look, like, comment, subscribe. Going to be doing a lot more pack cracking. Feedback appreciated as always.

Daretti Spaghetti YouTube

January 23, 2017 12:21 p.m.

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