[Community Discussion]: The name game
Social forum
Posted on Nov. 29, 2014, 2:14 p.m. by Epochalyptik
Welcome to another Community Discussion proposed by ductapedeckbox!
This one is about naming. How did you come up with your username? Is there a story behind it?
What about your deck names? In my article Getting More Views on Your Decks, I discuss how having unique or interesting deck names can attract views and feedback. Do you like to come up with deck names that are pop or geek culture references? Song names or lyrics? Something else?
Tell your stories here (and feel free to link to a deck, but don't go overboard, and please don't use deck-large notation).
HEre is the source of my name:
A popular Bulgarian drink, that is commonly used as slang to mean "a potpourri of things" or "a mess".
December 3, 2014 5:14 a.m.
Blizzicane says... #3
Can't believe I have not responded to this thread yet. O.o
Well I had four names so far in my lifetime here so I guess I will explain each of them.
I can't really remember what my first name was because at that time I was only using the site for storage purposes so it was pretty meh.
When I was just starting to become more active I upgraded and changed my named to Resonance (inspired from an anime) from whatever my first name was and it had purple(black?) text and a black(purple?) shadow. I liked the name but I was never fully into the color which led to my third name.
My third name which was Snowstorm (I like snow & storms) was when I got more creative and had a gradient color similar to what I have now mixed with my favorite colors and pokemon. But the name itself did not fully appeal to me which led to my current name.
Finally, my current name (kinda of obvious) originates from two types of storms (I am crazy about storms) which are a Blizzard and a Hurricane mixed them together and you get a Blizzicane which IMO appealed to me more than the 3rd name. This time around I added more shadows and this amazing text font finally completing my name to a point where I probably won't change it again as I don't dislike it in anyway but even if I do change it I would probably end up using the same colors as I just <333 these colors to the point where I wished all the things I own irl would be the same color as my text.
Thank goodness for Tappedout having a name changing function as it took me awhile to get here. It seems Blizzicane is going to be my name of choice for account names in the future (I wished I choose it instead of some other names I got stuck with on other sites XP). :3
December 3, 2014 5:25 a.m.
GeminiSpartanX says... #4
I've been a Spartan since I read the Iliad for fun back in 6th grade and got interested in Greek mythology, and my first game I used it in was Starcraft 1. I started out as SpartanAce (due to the limited character space for names in most games back then), but changed to GeminiSpartanX since I'm a gemini and it reminded me of the fun N64 game Jet Force Gemini (and I still think Gemini is fun to say!). It's also my xbox gamertag and summoner name on League of Legends.
The only deck name of mine that I really like the name of is "They are Rascals & Come from Rogueland!". I'm an avid reader, and I saw that line while reading Jules Verne's "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea". One of the characters uses that line to explain why he was being detained and where his captors came from. I thought it was a pretty funny line for a book that's almost 150 years old.
December 3, 2014 10:39 a.m.
My username comes from the show LOST... season 2, episode 13, I believe. I created it while I was an active member of Lostpedia Forums. My original username was Cerberus, but I got involved in some heated censorship arguments against power-mad mods there, and they banned me.
I came back as Long Con - besides sounding cool, it was a sly reference that I was tricking them. I developed a solid community respect before it was discovered that I was Cerberus, and by then banning me would have caused too much outrage, so they accepted it.
Deck names... well, Delver a la Drake was a functional title with a bit of flair, but I prefer to have some humour or cleverness involved, or maybe a reference. *untmaster was awesome (and such a good deck!), I'm hoping Buff the Magic Dragon will take off after FRF drops and I get a little more support for Crucible of Fire to be awesome. I'm taking Mindswiper to FNM this Friday, named for the addition of Mindswipe and some Control elements.
December 3, 2014 10:48 a.m.
Sparda1127 says... #6
I've used my name for the last five years. I used to go by AOSTEEN47 way back in the day (Obviously after my initials.) because it was my school identification thing.
I was thinking of something catchy when I was needing a new username, and being a huge fan of Devil May Cry, I went with Sparda, and "Eleven Twenty-Seven" sounded catchy, so I kept it.
My decks are just whatever I happen to be thinking of at the time that fits the deck. They're all pretty bad except for Bloodsuckers R Us! . I love the name every time I see it in my list, I feel slightly creative and accomplished when I read it. xD
December 3, 2014 2:57 p.m.
KnightsBattlecry001 says... #7
My username came from the deck I used when I got back into magic with Mirrodin Besieged. It had a bunch of creatures that were knights and creatures with battlecry. I just combined the two, and there was the name. I've got the deck on here although it's been modified. As for naming my decks, I try to name them something that fits the theme of the deck.
December 3, 2014 3:39 p.m.
Servo_Token says... #8
My first Username on this site was just my first initial and last name, which I thought was kind of lame. I then looked at all of my decks, and noticed that once upon a time I was a big fan of tapping islands for blue mana, and figured that other people deserved to know that as well.
However, I have since tapped other lands for other various shades of mana in addition to islands, and honestly consider every day changing my name to ThatBlackMage. However, I would rather not get caught up in the racial implications behind that or its opposite, so i'm just sticking with what I believe the safest color is. Maybe ThatIzzetMage will be a thing someday, but until then...
December 3, 2014 4:51 p.m.
ScourgeofDawn says... #9
My username actually came from a short story I wrote back in high school about an old man who wanted to blow up the sun using a spaceship/nuke called Scourge of Dawn.
When I first got Xbox live every single username that I thought of was taken so I thought about the few stories I wrote back in high school and I liked the way Scourge of Dawn sounded and so I've been using it for almost all of my gaming usernames ever since.
December 3, 2014 10:01 p.m.
Fairecloak says... #10
Fairecloak is because I did take a hiatus from the game for about eight years . In that time it was a steady diet of faire, larping and full garb. Bigger tournaments have me go in full garb , cloak depending on season is weight o f the fabric anything from crushed panne velvet to wool.
December 4, 2014 12:16 a.m.
well... my first username was w999. passwords on runescape (which i played extensively at the time) were limited to 20 characters and my password was a w and nineteen 9s. i shortened it to three 9s because three was my favorite number. pretty lame username i know lol.
as i became more active and more recognized, i decided to change my name to avoid the shame. at first i wanted to use tempestuous_archangel (cause it sounded cool and i liked the idea of it), but i decided that it was too lengthy so i settled with tempest. i had yeago kick the first tempest off so i could take his name lol. and even then, my name linked a deck haha
December 4, 2014 1:16 a.m.
oh, Blizzicane, i really like your username by the way. definitely a username i wouldn't mind using haha. maybe incorporate tempest into that too lol. temblizzcane? ehh
December 4, 2014 1:41 a.m.
oh, Blizzicane, i really like your username by the way. definitely a username i wouldn't mind using haha. maybe incorporate tempest into that too lol. temblizzicane? ehh
December 4, 2014 1:41 a.m.
aherm. was uhh hoping the first post wouldn't go through... -.-'
December 4, 2014 1:42 a.m.
@tempest: Wait, you can ask yeago to delete someone inactive so as to take their username? Are there any requirements of the user?
December 4, 2014 1:54 a.m.
CanadianShinobi says... #16
My name is pretty simple. I'm a Canadian and I love Japanese culture and history. So I combined the two.
The longer story is that I've studied Japanese history since grade 12 on my own and have grown to love the subject, I eventually hope to achieve my PhD. The reason I originally picked CanadianSamurai is because I am absolutely fascinated by Bushido and when I first began playing Magic my first deck that I build was a Samurai tribal deck, so when it came to developing a user name I went with samurai.
I changed my name to Shinobi a few months ago because I also really like ninjas and the name reflects more of my play style, with blue and black being my go to colours.
December 4, 2014 1:56 a.m.
Mpz was actually made for a Yugioh forum called SchoolofDuel. I made it as a teenager and I was pretty into the game at the time. I joined the forums and started posting... a lot. Eventually they modded me, then global modded me. I was like 16 at the time, but the company that owned it, a magazine company, approached me and offered me the job of being the administrator. I found myself at the helm of a forum that was only topped by Pojo for Yugioh at the time. I honestly don't know how it happened, but it did.
Anyway, when I first joined the forum, I was trying to make a screen name that sounded cool, but was having a hard time of it. My favorite deck to play was my dark deck, and a field card in the deck was named Mystic Plasma Zone, which basically buffed all my creatures. So, taking the first letter from each word, I became Mpz and have used it since. As times changed, so did minimum lengths of usernames, and I found myself needing a 4th character. Since I have an odd obsession with the number 5, it seemed like the best option. Now, I am pretty well known online as Mpz5.
As far as deck-names go, I usually think of something that i perceive witty and amuse myself far too much with the act of naming my brew. shrug
December 4, 2014 2:12 a.m.
Fulcrum- the guy had been inactive for like 2 years and it was obvious that he didn't really use the site much...
December 4, 2014 2:33 a.m.
Well, I believe I know which username I'm gonna go for when I hit the top 100. That'll still probably be at least a month from now.
December 4, 2014 2:36 a.m.
Blizzicane says... #20
Fulcrum Funny, because that is the exact time I changed my name to what it is now in celebration lol. :3
December 4, 2014 2:47 a.m.
Heh, I made top 100 before I knew it was a thing. I'm not there anymore, but I didn't know why I could change "Deckling" to "So Divine" and my friends were stuck as Decklings.
Incidentally, the title "So Divine" comes from the Washington video:
Let me lay it on the line
He's got two on the vine
That's two sets of testicles
So divine
December 4, 2014 8:41 a.m.
UnknownDemon says... #22
Well i saw this guy with the username UnknownDemon in kongregate so i stole it for my use in tappedout.
December 4, 2014 9:11 a.m.
quesobueno123 says... #23
All my usernames have to do with cheese, this is no exception.
December 4, 2014 4:46 p.m.
eeriekiller says... #25
I've had my name ever since my middle school years. I wanted a name that incorporated my preferred game style (stealth) and my desired intimidation. I haven't had reason or desire to change it. Also, I'm afraid of forgetting a new one, should I ever change.
December 4, 2014 4:49 p.m.
quesobueno123 says... #26
Fulcrum I don't know, ever since I was little I have been a big cheese fan, any type of cheese, is good cheese... except shit cheese.
December 4, 2014 4:55 p.m.
I started a mtg team with my friends. Because I like the un-sets, I named it after the team in Goblin Bowling Team (mons). So I decided to be monsmtg.
December 5, 2014 7:09 a.m.
Squisherton says... #29
Back when MySpace was still relevant I used to change my username about every week. A friend of mine commented and said "Why don't you just find a name that really grabs people? Something like THE ABORTIONATOR: Killer of Unborn Fetuses!! Or Sqhishy/Squisherton?" I like to believe I chose wisely.
December 5, 2014 12:03 p.m.
Havok.Bane says... #30
I had a friend in school who used to call me havoc and it kinda stuck the bane comes from a word I use frequently and it seems nobody else does. My deck names I usually try to make something that describes my deck and is kinda funny.
December 5, 2014 2:52 p.m.
KrosanTusker says... #32
My first ever card was a foily promo Krosan Tusker.
As you can see, I have excellent taste in cards.
December 6, 2014 9:42 a.m.
sonicizslow says... #33
My username came from needing one for a Apple jailbreaking community I was a part of. I really enjoy puns, so calling sonic (whether the hedgehog or sonic speed) slow I found funny. the "iz" is actually so reading my name is easier instead of having two "s" next to each other. I now use this name for everything. As far as naming decks... I try to be funny or clever on the ones I like to play or have built, the ones that are just there to be a list don't get clever names.
Nomp says... #1
I needed a name a long time ago and this is what I could get.
December 3, 2014 4:45 a.m.