Completely new to MTG.
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Posted on April 7, 2017, 8:54 a.m. by LazyAngel
Hiya all.
Yesterday I bought my first deck of MTG. One of my friends has been trying to get me interested recently, and I thought that I'd take him up on it.
I went down to the store tonight, and the guys there played a few rounds with me and taught me the rules. Needless to say, I was absolutely thrashed haha. It was a great experience, and I hope to get further into the game.
There's so much out there that it's a little mind-boggling to know what I'm looking to find. Excluding the rules, what are the things a beginner like me know and be doing? Things like deck building, stuff to buy, tips; all that stuff. The deck I bought was the Ajani, Valiant Protector Planeswalker Deck, and I also have a life counter.
Any help would seriously be appreciated because I am pretty lost with it all. Thanks!
The best thing I would do is:
1/ Identify what you like to do in a game
2/ Do that thing
Since you already got a Planeswalker Deck, that is a decent start towards. The easist way is to upgrade that deck, focusing on its strenghts. The easiest way to upgrade a deck is:
1/ Identify the 9 cards you like to play the most (that still have a decent mana curve, ie do not play 24 1-drops and 12 6 drops).
2/ Put 4 of each in your deck.
3/ Add 24 lands.
But there is a better way. Every new MTG set has a Prerelease tournament before it ... releases. This is the single best way to get new cards and participate at a fairly equal level with everyone - everybody there is playing with those cards for the first time!
The next one is the weekend of April 23rd. Go to it before you buy anything else magic related.
April 7, 2017 9:13 a.m.
Welcome to the game :)
I find the MtG community to be one of the best to join and interact. As a beginner I would just advice you to play a while, not to care about win ratios and just focus on learning basic rules and interactions. Be open, try different things and see what you like doing best. After that you can move on to building your first deck-from-scratch :)
As for necessities, just sleeves for your cards are enough at the begining :)
April 7, 2017 1:18 p.m.
The advice here is pretty solid. One of the best things of magic for me is learning how to do better in it and learning the rules and how to use the rules to your advantage. But that should be after you play for a bit lol. If you ever have questions about specific stuff feel free to hmu im always available for one on one magic talk.
April 7, 2017 9:53 p.m.
In general, some rules of thumb that I made for myself when I started learning to play:
1) Remember that instants can be cast at ANY time
2) Something that has trample can get through something that has indestructible (these first two are things that I struggled to understand when I first started)
3) You're going to make a ton of mistakes, that's how you learn - I've been playing for two years and I still make a lot of mistakes
4) If you're ever thinking of deck making, it's always cheaper to buy singles!!
5) Just play!! A lot! Learning the rules is the most important thing! As well, find a deck that you REALLY enjoy playing. To test that theory, it's generally best to make proxies of the deck (essentially placeholder cards) and test it out against other decks before you buy it so you know you're not wasting money!
As well, if you ever have any questions about rules and such, just send a message over to me and I can probably answer a rulings question!
tpmains says... #2
The best way to learn is to just keep playing. Try to play lots of different people, especially ones who are better than you. Ask questions if you don't understand something. Try to play with and against different types of decks to see what your play style is and what types of decks you enjoy playing.
Stuff to buy: good card sleeves, deck boxes, dice, playmat, paper.
If you want to learn the basics, the Duals of the Planeswalkers games give a decent intro to the game.
April 7, 2017 9:07 a.m.