Dealing With False Cheating Accusations
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Posted on Jan. 9, 2015, 11:40 p.m. by BoromirOfGondor
Today at FNM, I was playing in round 5 for third place. We were on game three, and I had a double Crater's Claws for the win.
As I got up to turn in my match result, a group of people (if you are reading this, you know who you are) blocked my path and went on a rant about how much of a "fucking cheating bastard" I apparently am. The ringleader and I had a heated argument, with me inquiring as to what specific offenses he believed I had committed and him failing to give a lucid response. I tried my best to reason with him, but he was obstinate and refused to listen to what I had to say.
Every time I do well at an event, this same person accuses me of having cheated to get there. People are free to believe what they want to believe, but I swear by my soul that i have never cheated in a game of Magic. It is against everything I stand for. I acknowledge that I am sometimes a sloppy player, and that is something that I have to work on. But that does not justify the treatment that i received tonight.
I want to prove to this person that i have never and will never cheat in a game of magic. How do I go about changing the mind of someone who is, ultimately, just a sore loser who refuses to admit defeat?
golffore297 says... #3
Agreed, when in the match he believed you cheated he should have called judge in that moment to fix what he thought was wrong. It really annoys me when certain people in stores create an unfriendly environment or alienate some players.
Honestly, you probably won't be able to change his mind, and the best thing to do is stay calm and just talk it out. If that doesn't work, just maybe have a judge watch the game next time to prove you are doing everything properly so that he will have nothing to complain about when he plays you again (and loses haha!).
January 10, 2015 12:05 a.m.
Hjaltrohir says... #5
He sounds like a bad loser so I would just ignore him and if he gets even worse report him to some-one
January 10, 2015 3:30 a.m.
SpartanCEL says... #6
Doing a little research
Tell a judge next time, everyone else said what needs to be said
January 10, 2015 5:23 a.m.
Souljacker says... #7
Have him call a judge to sort out the matter, because just calling you a cheater without backing things up is just creating an unfriendly environment. If you get the idea he is just being a sore loser and keeps harassing you, you might want to call someone from the organization to have him back down.
Don't try to convince him, people like that can't be reasoned with as you have experienced.
January 10, 2015 6:12 a.m.
Didgeridooda says... #8
Sounds like the guy is just a bully. From what you said, I do not think that you were playing him.
Confront him one on one, and see if you can work it out. Take away the group mentality. You could also talk to the shop owner/judge, and inform them of what is happening. I would suggest one on one discussion as to why he is doing that. Ask him straight up why he is bullying you.
There are other things you could do too. Change where you play/get phisical, but I don't think either of those is a good idea.
ducttapedeckbox says... #2
As soon as you're accused of cheating, call a judge.
Sometimes players don't realize that Magic is not only a game of skill, but a game of luck. If you topdeck a second Crater's Claws for the win, then great for you. Many of us don't have that luck, but it does happen. Some people can't accept defeat, especially under chance circumstances like this, but they have to deal with it.
My advice is to ignore this individual. Remain polite and play your matches, but simply walk away if he tries to confront you in an unofficial matter. If he actually thinks you're cheating, he would have already called a judge - it sounds to me he's just a sore loser.
January 9, 2015 11:47 p.m.