Do you both like card alters and have an Instagram?
Social forum
Posted on Sept. 21, 2015, 9:31 p.m. by HorrorAvengers
Profile; PhyrexianAlters
I started an Instagram for my altered arts, any likes and subs would be awesome and would fill me with happy and not sad :D
Nice alters :) I especially like your Vraska the Unseen and Delver of Secrets Flip alters :D
September 22, 2015 1:08 a.m.
HorrorAvengers says... #6
Thanks :) the drivers were for a legacy deck long since dismantled, and the vraska was a commission today, took about a hour and i got a Japanese ajani caller and narset transcendant out of it, very happy with that trade
September 22, 2015 1:11 a.m.
oakesbrews says... #8
I was never a good artist, so I could never do alters, but I am damn good at photoshop, so I used to do some awesome custom tokens. I don't know if you watch South Park, but I had a vampire deck during Innistrad block that I used the "Butters as a vampire" tokens for my tokens. Everyone loved them and I loved throwing those out to people as a surprise. lol. I may have to get back into making them. I also used Token from South Park as a random 1/1 token when needed.
oakesbrews says... #2
Oakesbrews, not much magic, but some. mainly beer.
September 21, 2015 9:59 p.m.