Ever lost your collection? (Don't leave cards in the car)
Social forum
Posted on April 7, 2015, 8:25 p.m. by Crayonmuffin
I attended Sakura con in Seattle this past weekend. Had a blast, played a bunch of Magic, traded a bunch of cards, etc.
However, on the last day of the con my lady friend and I decided to leave the bulk of our stuff in my car as we had been lugging it around all weekend. Wanted the last few hours to be free of weight to enjoy the sites. Upon arriving back at my car the window had been busted out and everything taken including clothes, my DSLR camera and lenses, and probably worst of all my 4 binders of valuable cards.
The value of all the binders together equaled about 1500-2000 dollars just from what I can remember. This was in a bag in the trunk but the thieves apparently had time to pop the trunk and take everything there as well. These cards were things mainly saving for future pimped commander decks and such, with one of the binders being stacked full of modern/legacy staples.
Has anyone else ever lost the bulk of their collection? Not sure how to come back from this. I love the game immensely but this is just a kick in the teeth. Luckily I had my modern decks on me but still that was years of financial and trading gain just gone poof. Maybe my fault for leaving it in the car? Bah.
Side note. Why don't parking lots like that have cameras? This happens every year apparently and they don't install security. Pitiful.
KnightsBattlecry001 says... #3
I've had something like this happen to me. Not long after I got back into magic me and my brother went to the mirrodin besieged prerelease. About two rounds in, he had me put his elf deck and one of my decks in his car. When the prerelease was over we head out to leave. We get in the car and notice that the cards are not in the car. We go back in and ask one of the store workers if they had seen anyone walking around with the two deck boxes that had our cards. He said he didn't, and asked everyone in the store the same thing. Nobody saw anyone with them.
The windows in the car were not busted or anything. It pissed me off more for the fact that my brother's stuff was taken. He had some money cards at the time in the deck. All of my stuff was worth nothing except one Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre. It sucks that there are some lowlife scumbags out there that would steal someone else's stuff.
April 7, 2015 9:10 p.m.
notamardybum says... #4
whats sad is the person who robbed you was probably just interested in the camera, and probably doesn't know how valuable your cards are.
April 7, 2015 9:10 p.m.
It happens, man. My family once accidentally threw out a box of stuff I wasn't using at the time. Contained Mind Seize, all my nonbasic lands not currently in use, my vast collection of all types of islands, and loads of goodies. Value was about $200, so not that bad.
Friend of mine got robbed overseas a month later. Lost something like 1K in spare cards and his fully decked out modern build. Dude gave up on Modern for a solid 6 months.
April 7, 2015 9:13 p.m.
Crayonmuffin says... #6
I could handle them taking my camera stuff. That could be replaced with a fair amount of ease to an extent and didn't have much personal value.
The cards though were a lot of gifts from good friends and family. Had MINTY MINT playsets of Force of Will, Snapcasters(including 2 foils), Ulamog Kozilek and Emrakul all foil, 4 sets of shocks, NUMEROUS sets of fetches some foil, a ton of expensive commander staples in foil. Just too much to even list. I called some of the card stores in the area to have them watch for my cards/binders but the chances of that are just too slim.
It's just the thought that you build up something you're proud of and some worthless piece of dung just comes by and takes it to make a quick buck. I'm so disenchanted now it's hard for me to even look at cards and want to play or buy things AGAIN. The only rare single that I didn't get taken was my promo Ugin, the Spirit Dragon that I had put in a small compartment in my car. So at least there's that.
April 7, 2015 9:24 p.m.
Report this to your Insurance. My friend had his entire collection stolen from his car and his car insurance gave him money to buy the whole collection back. OFC my friend had his cards catalogged which you probably didnt
April 7, 2015 10:06 p.m.
Crayonmuffin says... #10
TheDevicer Made me laugh, thanks for that.
ApocryphalSaint Talking to my insurance further tomorrow so I will ask specifically about it. The only log I have of it is in my Pucatrade haves list which I actually do have MOST of saved as Word documents so if they do say they can cover what I have catalogged then perhaps I can get some of my collection again. That would be amazing.
Wonder how that works though since someone could just come up with a bunch of cards they didn't actually have to get more money? Seems sketchy. Here's to hoping. I mainly just want my modern/legacy competitive staples back :/
April 8, 2015 12:52 a.m.
that is called insurance fraud. :pit why the cataloging matters. IF YOU haven't already i would NOT edit that list and see if it has some sort of time stamp from before the theft, that could help you out.
April 8, 2015 1:01 a.m.
depending on your insurance they can either be real easy going about this and just throw money at you or they will be difficult. always prepare for the difficult. Idk how old you are but when you address them:
refer to them as collectible trading cards and don't underplay the value
drop your use of "ums" and filler words like that
Be prepared with that log of your cards before hand and try and find if they have an input history of when you logged the cards or a time stamp of last edited
tell them about that list you have before they ask if you have one.
the more you act like you know how to handle the situation the more seriously they will take it.
Best of luck mate. That really sucks
April 8, 2015 1:08 a.m.
Crayonmuffin says... #13
ApocryphalSaint Might not matter, I can't find it in any case, and APPARENTLY I had never put in my expensive cards into my pucatrade list as I didn't want to trade them off so there are only low value cards there. So I guess that ship has already sailed. Sigh.
April 8, 2015 1:09 a.m.
Mmk well it that case dont mention the list unless they ask and if they do you can give a sob story about how it isn't up to date cause you never thought this would happen.
I dont think that T/O trade binders time stamp so.......you could make it? In fact that might work out as it also lists prices... up to you.
Just remember lying about what was stolen so that you can get "free" stuff is insurance fraud and does have hefty fines and jail time.
April 8, 2015 1:17 a.m.
Crayonmuffin says... #15
ApocryphalSaint The only list I found was a hand written list from a few months ago. Probably about 80%(ish) of what was in the binders is in this list so if they ask I have that. I wouldn't blatantly lie about what I have. Took a lot of pride in my collection so only want what I had. Also not looking for jail time lol. Being a college student is headache enough.
Thanks for the info though. If it works out that'll be a huge relief. If not then I'm right where I am now.
ChiefBell says... #2
I'm so sorry that happened to you. It must feel awful.
Don't feel like it's your fault though. It's the heartless actions of some slimy criminals. You had no control over it and you need to accept that. Even locking the car etc wouldn't have helped there.
Don't beat yourself up because of the shitty behaviour of other people. I hope you can find your feet again.
April 7, 2015 8:36 p.m.