Favorite card art/favorite cards
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Posted on Oct. 27, 2021, 12:40 p.m. by SprkySprkyBoomMan
I thought a thread like this would already exist. I wanted to make a place where we can get together a tell stories about your favorite cards and/or spread love for your favorite art! I thought this would be a lovely way to bring together members, new and old!
Omniscience_is_life says... #3
My first set was Kaladesh, and seeing a Long-Finned Skywhale for the first time was one of the main reasons I decided I loved the game!
October 27, 2021 1:08 p.m.
plakjekaas says... #4
Sword of Feast and Famine is probably the shiniest card I own, the Kaladesh masterpieces were amazingly fitting in frame for what the cards represented. Though I have to say: the real life version is so much prettier than the online representation. I love playing equipment strategies, probably because of this card. There's just something about charging your opponent with a magic sword that makes the game that much more enjoyable to me.
October 27, 2021 1:09 p.m.
SprkySprkyBoomMan says... #5
From flying whales to equipment strategies, MTG has something for everyone! The card art for the whale is awesome!
Also that sword looks hard to block!
October 27, 2021 10:32 p.m.
I'm gonna hit you with one of the classics.
I started playing Magic around the time when Rise of the Eldrazi came out. I recall going to my local newsstand, which happened to sell a handful of magic products, and I bought the red/green Eldrazi Arisen preconstructed 60 cards deck. It contained some Eldrazis and I thought they were awesome, but one tip card peaked my interest, suggesting as an upgrade of the deck the almighty Emrakul, the Aeons Torn. Nobody among my friends had even seen one at the time, and we didn't know about online listings and shops for magic.
Some years pass and I find myself again at the same newsstand. I ask the shopkeeper if he still has some magic products, he checks in the back and for some lucky reason, he finds a forgotten Rise of the Eldrazi, which had fell behind the stand. I think woah finally another one of those!. I buy it and I get back home. I sit down and carefully open the pack. And I actually find Emrakul, the Aeons Torn. I still have the booster's envelope too, up to this day.
So Emrakul is my favourite card and I will be forever waiting its unban in EDH.
October 28, 2021 6:31 a.m.
SprkySprkyBoomMan says... #7
Although I never have played EDH, I can see why Emrakul is banned lol. That card does not look fun to play against.
October 28, 2021 9:34 a.m.
I love the art on Suture Priest, really unsettling and the most phyrexian thing I've ever seen.
As for card stories, I've got one. My luck with booster packs has always been awfully bad with some absurdely good exceptions. One of those was when I found, in the same Eternal masters pack, two Vampiric Tutor: one foil and one normal. I now revere that card.
October 28, 2021 3:46 p.m.
plakjekaas says... #9
I like the booster pack stories. Here's mine:
FNM Dominaria Standard. I finally found the deck for me with The Flame of Keld burn. I ranked first at FNM and won a booster of a Standard set in print. The chase mythic at the time, at €35, Teferi, Hero of Dominaria. I went to the counter and said: "I'll take a Dominaria booster. Gimme that Teferi!". The other person who won a booster had the same idea, and opened his first. Five mana Azorius gold card on the rare slot... Oath of Teferi. So close! I opened mine, scrolled through the commons, ooh nice, a Merfolk Trickster, that's a useful unc... YES! There actually was the Teferi on the rare slot! It was spooky, I've never been that right again.
October 28, 2021 4:31 p.m.
Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni all the way!
every artwork for her is great.
October 28, 2021 8:31 p.m.
SprkySprkyBoomMan says... #11
I guess you can technically talk about booster stories within the context of my original question. There are places for that are ready though, so if you could please post those within those threads.
As you can tell I'm not a booster man, I buy all my cards out right. I used to be a booster pack person, but then I realized I was just wasting a bunch of money. I only buy boosters as a prize play for whenever I play casual with my brother and nephew. I do enjoy the enthusiasm though.
Transcendent Envoy I freaking love the card and card art for it!! I first discovered this card while building my nephew his first magic deck! A helpful commenter showed me the card and it's actually one of the pillars of the deck! These are stories I like.
October 28, 2021 10:42 p.m.
SprkySprkyBoomMan says... #12
Do the artists of MTG cards go to some big MTG events like comic book artists do? Cuz I have a list of cards that I want signed!
Are signed MTG cards still legal in tournament play?
October 29, 2021 10:20 a.m.
SprkySprkyBoomMan I'm not sure where artists sign cards but they are most certainly tournament legal!!! Just make sure they sign the front and not the back so it's not considered marked unless you use sleeves but you then can't see the signing.
SprkySprkyBoomMan says... #2
There is only a couple of cards I have stories for...
The one that will always stick out in my mind the most is Thorn Elemental. Whenever I go and think about MTG in general this is the first card I think of. It is seared into my brain. I think it is because it was the first card I can remember, like I don't remember seeing a MTG card before I seen this card.
Also not a fan of the updated card art for it, not a fan at all lol.
October 27, 2021 12:47 p.m. Edited.