first modern event
Social forum
Posted on March 24, 2015, 9:43 a.m. by swkelly89
So I attended my first modern event last night. It was small, only eight people, but I still had a blast with tokens. First round was against . His Thalia, Guardian of Thraben and Dryad Militant slowed my token production and Silverblade Paladin kept beating up my life total but I came out on top 2-1. Second round was against Splinter Twin. First game he kept countering my anthems but I was able to get enough tokens out to overwhelm him. Second game I had no chance, He got twin on his Deceiver Exarch and that was game. Third game I was able to keep pegging him for 1 damage as he was countering my anthems and bolting my tokens. Final few turns of the game were intense. I still had 20 life with 3 1/1 spirit tokens, he had 4 life with 3 Snapcaster Mages out and he plays anger of the gods wiping the board. I drew and cast Spectral Procession. He drew a land then passed the turn. My next turn I topped deck Intangible Virtue and he concedes. 2-1. Final round was against bogles and between the Rancor and Ethereal Armor I had no chance and he ran right through me. In the end, I came in second and got 20 dollars store credit. Had an awesome night and great learning experience.
CharlesMandore says... #3
Haha, true that. Why are you telling us? This sounds like it should be in social.
March 24, 2015 10 a.m.
just sharing tge experience. perhaps is should have been placed in social. Epochalyptik ChiefBell can you move this for me
March 24, 2015 10:03 a.m.
Eh, misplaced or not, tournament logs are always handy data.
wwhitegoldd says... #2
March 24, 2015 9:47 a.m.