Getting More Views on my YouTube Channel
Social forum
Posted on Jan. 13, 2016, 8:08 p.m. by buildingadeck
Since around August, I have been making YouTube videos that feature me piloting decks in primarily the Standard and Modern formats (I'm also beginning to play a bit of Legacy, so I'll probably be posting more videos as I get more experience). Unfortunately, I have struggled to get a sufficient number of views.
I have tried advertising my videos on this site and that usually creates a nice little spike in views, but recently, those spikes have lessened in number.
Are there any other major MTG forums in which I might advertise myself, or should I post my little adverts at a different time of the day? Let me know if you have any suggestions because I am not too experienced in gaining YouTube views.
Also, if anyone is interested in viewing my videos, my profile on youtube is here. If you choose to watch any of them, leave comments either on the video or on my wall on this site. Thanks!
Servo_Token says... #3
Just a word of observation as someone who consumes just about all MTG related content put onto youtube...
If I see cockatrice in the thumbnail, I've already decided that I'm not going to watch the video because its probably pretty amateur and not worth my time watching. Even if you're a top notch player, your opponents can't be trusted to give you a quality match, let alone all the jank you have to swim through.
After watching one of the videos, You seem like you'd be good if not above average at commentating a game, but that's been done before. It's not very exciting. Maybe doing well with a rogue deck could get you somewhere, but you have to take down tier'd decks with it to get there, and you won't get that on cockatrice. In a similar thought, something other than gameplay videos will always be a benefit. What are you playing, why are you playing it, etc.
After looking at the channel itself, it's very dull and leaves a boring impression being that you haven't customized it at all yet. Put up a banner, have a distinguished profile picture, create a brand for yourself. It will always be easier to get consistent viewers if you have a recognisable persona that can be followed.
So basically, what it comes down to is that right now your profile is extremely lackluster, and lackluster things don't get views. It just seems as though you're just another person with a screen cap program that thought it'd be fun to record some games and is using YouTube as a storage space for the files. If you want views on your stuff, you're going to need to change that.
January 14, 2016 1:30 a.m.
buildingadeck says... #4
I can put a custom thumbnail on my videos from this point forward. I cannot, however, shift to MTGO at the moment simply because it's an investment I can't make if I intend to continue playing paper Magic.
Thank you for your compliments. I have been meaning to at least make some deck techs, so I can accommodate in that way. I wouldn't consider myself experienced enough to make a video rating cards for draft or sealed, but eventually videos like that might be possible as well.
I've been meaning to create a banner and thumbnails, but I haven't gotten around to. I'll look up some tutorials on how to do it in the near future and make my account more marketable for sure.
Thank you for a detailed critique of the account's aesthetic.
January 14, 2016 10:07 a.m.
McSleuthburger says... #5
Kinda going off of above, if you want to get views you have to think
"Why should people watch my channel instead of others?"
In my opinion you could try and offer/show stuff that makes you different from other channels out there that do similar mtg things. I watched a couple vids and you are not bad but there is nothing unique that made me remember you / want to come back as soon as possible.
Doing different types of magic related things is good.
Make the channel more aesthetically pleasing (like mentioned above)
Maybe do some reviews on products or speculation stuff on new cards when they are released.
If you can concentrate on the game maybe have a guest on while you are playing? Some fun banter might not hurt but when it comes to this make sure you are not missing stuff in the game while you are talking because it could trigger some people haha
January 14, 2016 12:13 p.m.
buildingadeck says... #6
Thank you for the specific examples of ideas for ways to make a more diverse array of videos to bring people in.
January 14, 2016 12:17 p.m.
Hi Buildingadeck I tried several views company and I always got the same spikes (or peaks) that you mention. The only different service (and quite useful to rank) I found is the so called "drip feed" method. They are slow views delivered in a natural way along 1 month or more. You can take a look
March 9, 2016 6:51 p.m.
Sorry I broke my msg by mistake. Anyway I'm saying you can take a look here
March 9, 2016 6:52 p.m.
allthingsMTG says... #9
I know this is late but what I do for thumbnails on my YouTube account is Google the card art for one of the cards in the deck and use this site called pixlr to add the mana symbols of the deck over the picture for deck tech thumbnails, for games I Google the card art of a memorable card from both decks and I resize one extremely large then I add the other so that it's not covering the card, then I add this little vs stamp in the bottom middle of the pictures. Hope this helped since you still don't have many thumbnails and other personalization
Epochalyptik says... #2
This thread was moved to a more appropriate forum(auto-generated comment)
January 13, 2016 8:19 p.m.