Going to my first GP in March. Questions from a first timer
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Posted on Feb. 21, 2016, 5:48 a.m. by nobodygaming
I signed up back in December for GP Melbourne and now that it's right around the corner I've just realised that I don't know what to expect when I show up. I planed to play in the main event, but aside from filling out my deck list ahead of time I don't know when/where I'm supposed to go on the Saturday morning. And speaking of Saturday, is there a reason to take a day off work to go to the venue on Friday if I've already registered online to play Modern?
Also my girlfriend will probably come too, but she's not taking part in the main event and has a minimal budget so is there much to do if you can't afford more than maybe 1 draft over the weekend?
cireretals says... #3
They can be pretty expensive. One suggestion, take snacks, eat a good breakfast, you wont have much time between rounds.
February 21, 2016 9:17 a.m.
Havok.Bane says... #4
If you need to use the can, tell a judge they can give you a time extension
February 21, 2016 1:23 p.m.
JohnnyBaggins says... #5
Depends. Play Boros Burn and you can eat a full meal between every round. Modern GPs are funny in that way, you can easily tell who's playing Burn by just looking at who's strolling though the hall every round while everyone else still is in Game 1.
JohnnyBaggins says... #2
Here's my 50 cents:
1. Side events will be around 10-15 dollars for regular events in limited. If they're drafting Flashback-, Chaos-, or Modern Masters Drafts, they'll obviously be a lot more expensive.
2. Constructed Side Events should be at 5 dollars.
3. There's no need to be there on Friday unless you want to play a lot of side events.
4. Be on time on Saturday. They'll post the pairings on time, at least that's my experience. It's Rules Enforcement Competitive. Especially in the first few rounds (and all others, if you do good), people will make use of their right to give you a game loss if you're just a second late.
5. The GP is boring if you're not playing yourself. If I was your girlfriend, (and I was on a budget) I'd rather enjoy Melbourne than go to the GP. Unless she really enjoys watching Magic, it's not that interesting.
6. I'm a GP-goer, myself. But I've grown to ignore the GP other than the main event. It's obviously different if you're from Melbourne, but I'm from Germany and we don't have GPs here. I usually don't play a lot of Magic other than the Main Events and rather enjoy the place I'm at.
Sorry that this answer is somewhat skimped but I typed an entire novel and then accidentally refreshed my browser so now I'm angry. :D
February 21, 2016 8:22 a.m.