Good ways to upload massive binder?
Social forum
Posted on March 3, 2018, 5:48 p.m. by rockleemyhero
Hey t/o users, so Im in a little predicament here. I have a large binder update but Im also dont really have the time to comb through everything and reupload it. Anyone have any good tips for this? Like is there a program or app that snaps pictures of your binder/deck and uploads them? Thanks everybody!
Not an easy quick fix that Im aware of. Been doing mine on different site, then copy pasting on here (when I do update on here). Last time, i deleted my binder and slowly posted it back up - still not done, I got too many cards. I just found a box I thought had bulk in it, but it had many decent rares like xenagos (the god), teferri (the walker), and others.
March 3, 2018 7:06 p.m.
rockleemyhero says... #4
pskinn01 I was actually going to post on your wall about that. Do you find using deckbox is easier for uploading? I was hoping to use something like that to get a list that I can copy paste into here, and slowly update the correct sets/foils as I go
March 3, 2018 7:14 p.m.
I like the interface better. I just wish the export .cvs file from there, could import to here correctly (it didn't last time I tried, which was over a year ago).
But I can export the file, sort it by which ones are foil. Copy/paste the foils and mark them. Then copy/paste the rest.
Sets will still be wrong, but it beats nothing.
Oh, I am now 28/32 EDH decks completed and sleeved up. Only black, green, black/red, and colorless to go. Getting cards without buying them gets harder as my binders higher end cards dwindle - but I did pick up a Gaea's Cradle finally - had to over value it, but at least I got one now. Now to decide the deck. Prob mono green, as Im prob gonna use Yisan, the Wanderer Bard for that color.
March 3, 2018 7:29 p.m.
rockleemyhero: I also just updated my binder. Recently got a computer, so copy/paste/edit is a lot easier to do. JS.
Legitimacy says... #2
You're using it - tappedout offers it on the app.
March 3, 2018 6:12 p.m.