Social forum
Posted on Feb. 27, 2021, 12:43 p.m. by FormOverFunction
I just finished a walk outside, now that it’s 60° warmer (F) than it was a week ago, and one of my random thoughts led me to post this. I wanted to throw out a quick note to profess my thanks for this site and the people that make it so enjoyable. I haven’t been able to physically be around my playgroup for a year, and while I’ve been lucky to text with some of them it’s (obviously) not the same. Being able to check in here and talk about a shared interest is really wonderful and I wanted to officially say so. Thanks, everybody. This has been really good.
Good to hear it! It has been rough for staying in touch for many people. Myself included. So I theorycraft decks and read and post here on T/O.
I appreciate the communication and contributions here made by the people here.
February 27, 2021 1:19 p.m.
Omniscience_is_life says... #4
Great neighborhood we've got ourselves here
February 27, 2021 1:20 p.m.
Hardhitta7 says... #5
I came back after a few years for this reason.
People have been very helpful, helping me learn to build EDH decks instead of 60 cards.
February 27, 2021 1:25 p.m.
If not for this site, I would probably have ended up quitting magic again (I dropped out between Kaladesh and Ixalan blocks when I lost my original playgroup). So it's definitely been great
February 27, 2021 4:18 p.m.
RNR_Gaming says... #7
Wholesome post. +1. Glad your time here is enjoyable :)
February 27, 2021 7:36 p.m.
Hardhitta7 says... #8
Massacar that happened to me as well, well wasn’t really a play group just one person I played with. Then I started building decks with neat descriptions a few years ago and made some friends here. This place is awesome!
King_marchesa says... #2
Yeah I agree with FormOverFunction, I love this site and the mtg community so much. I appreciate the creator of this site and how much work they put into it!
February 27, 2021 1:16 p.m.