Is it worth playing anymore?
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Posted on April 18, 2015, 12:37 a.m. by Eternaldark866
My local meta for EDH is pretty combo-ey, and control-ey. My main commander deck, I have had long before I moved here, Mayael's New Groove. It's a wonderful deck, and I love it. I love it so much, I'm starting to foil it out. But my problem here is, I either get combo'ed to death with Sharuum or Arcanis. Or I get locked out. Or something that just makes me not win. I am usually doomed to lose every game I play. I think I can count on one hand the amount of games I have won in the last couple months. But usually, I still do shenanigans. Tonight, I had a really nice starting hand. 5 lands, Exploration, Lurking Predators. Turn 3, Lurking Predators was on the field, and I due to castings, I got Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre and Blightsteel Colossus out. I thought for sure that a Path to Exile or a Swords to Plowshares was coming out. But it didn't. So, I did the only natural thing, and attacked. The Sharuum player (who has combo-ed out on turn 5) accused me of stacking my deck, and people got really upset. The one-in-a-million game where I actually do good, and I get accused of cheating. I feet like shit. It's not fair that people who out-control me consistantly, (turn one Pithing Needle naming Mayael the Anima is a very common thing) can turn around and make my victory feel like shit,
that sounds like someone who is used to winning is mad that he lost.
too avoid this you always let an opponent cut your deck. ALWAYS. ..
and I would recommend that since you know the meta you are playing against to make changes to your deck to specifically counter these options. But yes it is still worth playing
April 18, 2015 12:59 a.m.
I would say to find a new group to play with, if possible. It seems like the group you are playing with now isn't the right one for you. Honestly, you shouldn't pay them that much mind because they sound like quite sore losers. Also, if they are trying to control your deck right off the bat by doing things like you mentioned, then these people really love to drain the fun out of the game.
Basically, your EDH group appears to be toxic and you should find another group, if possible, to enjoy EDH with. You aren't having fun with this group.
April 18, 2015 1 a.m.
hoki is also right though. these losers dont seem to understand what EDH is.
April 18, 2015 1:02 a.m.
That sucks pretty bad. To answer your question, no. If I were in your position, I would not play with those asshats anymore. If you can find cool people to play with, awesome. If not, thems the breaks.
April 18, 2015 1:04 a.m.
JetUppercut says... #8
If the Old West has taught us anything, it's that there is only one way to respond to a cheating accusation:
Step one: Firmly grip the edges of the table with both hands.Step two: Stand upStep three: Raise your hands up with as much strength as you can muster until they're at eye levelStep four: Let go of tableStep five: Draw six shooter, begin Mexican stand-offApril 18, 2015 3:09 a.m.
ClockworkSwordfish says... #9
Complaining about people playing control decks seems silly to me, but I definitely agree that it's ridiculous that they would accuse you of cheating for winning one game. Even if you win consistently, in fact. Look for other people to play with, but don't be upset if they also have """competitive""" decks.
April 18, 2015 4:28 a.m.
Viral_Assassin says... #10
Depending on your play group most EDH and commander games should have what rules you guys want and outline the wants and dislikes you want from the game. Maybe try a game without infinite combos. I know from experience they are usually most fun for me. But since people in my area become more competitive I've had to include at least one or 2 incase they start to combo or unless the game gets too freaking long.
others have suggested a new playgroup, this is also another possibly if there is enough players in your area. If not then I'd suggest going over some house rules before the games start and call it all to a vote. If stuff can't be agreed to then I'd just say don't play. not worth all that time to not have fun or enjoy the game.
April 18, 2015 9:24 a.m.
Eternaldark866 says... #11
@ApocryphalSaint I always offer cuts, but most people, since it isn't really competitive, don't normally care to cut. I don't have much room to go around what I currently have. Naya colors just don't deal with control very well.
@hoki While I do feel like you are right, I also feel like this group, not just these players, have changed my playstyle to be more aggressive, and honestly better. I also feel that if I were to move to a different playgroup, I would probably outperform them.
@vault and @ goodair I live in Charleston, SC. there are alot of intelligent people here, most of whom have a very asshole-ish side to them.
@JetUppercut Thank you for that :D You made me laugh pretty hard.@ClockworkSwordfish It's not the control deck I am complaining about, per say. It's the attitude that the player has, that he can sit there and focus me every game, but the one game I win, he can bitch about it and make me feel like shit.
@Viral_Assassin I'll try the votes. Their excuse for hating on Mayael so much is that I run big creatures, so I don't know how to make that less of a thing. I don't want to dumb down my deck, and I don't expect others to do that either. You can't get better if you don't try your best, and receive other people's best too. In a way, that is the reason I play this playgroup, to improve my deck to be even better, but it is incredibly difficult. I suppose it's about time I just get with the program and add Iona, Shield of Emeria and Linvala, Keeper of Silence to my deck.
April 18, 2015 10:25 a.m.
the only way to deal with control decks and such is to keep their board state to Nil. there are amny ways to do. Most if not all combos requires creatures and enchantmens.
Wrath the fuck out of thingsrun Vexing Shusherspot removal for fucking days man. STACKS ON STACKS OF Krosan Grip
April 18, 2015 10:30 a.m.
Viral_Assassin says... #13
I was lucky enough to own those cards for my Kaalia deck. I know the pain of being targeted and knocked out before the game even starts. Like you've said I've adapted and have adjusted my deck to face those situations better. It's almost better to not play the commanders at all and just coast on the colours. I hope it all works out for you though best of luck!
April 18, 2015 10:30 a.m.
I would run a boardwipes deck because that tends to clear the air for a lot of metas. I like playing EDH by running a weak and slow deck, I form temporary alliances to get to the end-game. I don't ever run enough of them, but I've noticed that whenever there's an alliance, the table's "Mr. Boardwipe" is almost always included.
April 18, 2015 12:19 p.m.
That's why I only play casual games with people I know. Random people are stupid.
April 18, 2015 12:42 p.m.
JakeHarlow says... #16
Those guys sound like assholes.
You won, enjoy it.
Find a different playgroup, this time comprised of individuals who value sportsmanship.
Continue playing and having a good time.
April 18, 2015 12:53 p.m.
Find a new group. I like to consider my playgroup very competitive and we banned infinite combos. Infinite combo doesn't make you a good player being able to win with just a good deck makes a great player . They sound like brats regardless.
April 18, 2015 1:01 p.m.
Eternaldark866 Though you do feel like you have improved as a player, I still find the environment to be toxic and isn't good to be playing in. As some have suggested, a few established ground rules might fix this as well as properly adapting to the meta by basically having hate bears for their control decks. Green and white have plenty in those colors.
Would you say that this group is one of the better ones in your area? Perhaps, you can find a group of better players not interested in just combos and perhaps, playing Magic.
Anyways, hope all goes for the better. Don't allow negativity from sore losers get to you.
April 18, 2015 4:42 p.m.
One time a professor suggested I may be cheating because I was batting 1000 on the first handful of quizzes and exams. I was thrilled! Thanked them on the spot. Best compliment I ever received.
Magic can bring out the worst in some people. I can share similar stories about sore losers or whiny hotheads or bullies in games. Honestly i feel bad for those fools who forgot why we are playing in the first place. It's a trading card game for kids, take it easy. Try to forgive the poor fella for losing like a chump. But it was way out of line to accuse cheating on the basis of winning quickly. I mean wow nut draws happen - that's why you play those cards! What a punk. Haha i mean that's what mayael does!
But it's important to be the bigger person and keep your head up. I hope you tweak a few cards here and there, go right back to that table (or any other) and shuffle right back up again. Or you could always go Marath super combo hahaha! Jk
My regular commander is Xenagos, God of Revels. I get targeted and picked on here and there... But I understand why! I will kill you so fast with huge trample dudes haha. "Sneak Attack in this Worldspine Wurm, go to combat, xenagos trigger the worm, swing 30 at you...." So anyhow, in some ways being targeted just means you're playing real scary cards. Aka doing it right. People have seen what your deck can do if unchecked. In a way, It's respect. Mayael's no joke!
If the guy gives you flack again, just laugh at him for acting like a toddler. Shake your head etc but do not argue, react or let him get a rise out of you. Keep your cool. Let people make asses of themselves if they insist.
Play magic whenever and however you want. Have a while bunch of fun and never forget that's why you started.
April 18, 2015 10:28 p.m.
Eternaldark866 says... #20
@ Everyone. Thank you all for your feedback. I appreciate the points you all bring up. I won't be dumbing down Mayael anytime soon, but you can bet she will be improved upon. I don't like being the target, and I won't be coasting on colors from another Legendary. But I have been slowly getting better plays and better setups for boards. Control will still be the bane of my existence for non-creature spells. Had a couple good games tonight, and I am feeling better with this. I nearly stopped playing Mayael just to play with my semi-decent Grand Arbiter Augustin IV. But the better of the 2 decks will be worked on. Thank you all again. It is motivating to see that not everyone thinks like some of the players here.
April 19, 2015 12:02 a.m.
ComradeJim270 says... #21
There's really two problems here.
It sounds like one of them is your deck. I'm absolutely not the person to ask about that, but there are lots of people around here who are. I'm sure you can put something together that will win you games. You just haven't done it quite yet.
But looking at your post I feel like the bigger problem is that some of the people you play with are jackasses. If the players are the problem, I don't see the point in bothering with building a deck to beat theirs; you'll probably have a better time just playing with someone less obnoxious instead.
May 10, 2015 5 p.m.
Check out if my deck is worth playing, I could really use your opinion. Dead return
May 11, 2015 9:33 p.m.
I don't understand why would you feel bad about false accusations. Just screw them. I hate self-confident players that never give you a credit for your win, or just get salty.
In my are there is one guy, pretty good player, but socially awkward. I won with him 3 times in a row and he always blames bad luck. Now it's even sweeter to beat him. Even if I lost all other matches, I come back home happy after beating him. I recommend similar attitude :)
May 12, 2015 6:40 a.m.
Didgeridooda says... #24
Sounds like they are jerks. I would play them with something like my Terrible EDH deck. Just play it one time, and never play with them again. You can build that deck for less then 10 dollars.
Your deck seems pretty good, but it is not like it runs land destruction. Maybe you should to keep blue in check. You might need more rocks if you go that route though.
Also what is the budget on their decks? If it is far less then 1500, then that could be a reason. If you are running a deck that exceeds everyone else's put together, of course they are going to hate you off the table.
greyninja says... #2
That's too bad. Sorry to hear it man :/
April 18, 2015 12:50 a.m.