It finally happened.
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Posted on April 8, 2015, 4:45 a.m. by JRaynor
I remember when I got together with some friends and we swapped $200 in cards and we were really impressed with how crazy we were being.
I just traded for 4 goyfs. The stack of cards he got for them was pretty ridiculous. And some of them I'll probably have to buy again some day. (tear I'll miss you Cryptic Command.)
Still, I have to say. It is kind of satisfying. Been trading up, in order to break into modern for a while and Goyf was always something of a right of passage. Now that I've passed that hurdle, pretty much any other Modern card isn't as intimidating. I'm happy to have arrived at long last.
EndStepTop says... #3
Slow clap congratulations. The closest I've come to something like this was trading up for 2 of the Tundra I needed for miracles.
April 8, 2015 6:24 a.m.
Haha thanks ChiefBell :D
Gspot That's pretty cool on it's own. I don't have any of the vintage/legacy cards. Pretty neat that's what format you chose to play in.
April 8, 2015 7:10 a.m.
lemmingllama says... #6
Ach! Hans, run! He's got a playset of Tarmogoyf!
I could never get that many Tarmogoyfs, I would be too tempted to trade them away and build 2-4 decks just out of the trade fodder. Still, now you can build any green deck in Modern more effectively, so good job.
April 8, 2015 7:28 a.m.
Dalektable says... #8
Man, that's great! What deck you going to build? The green world of modern is your oyster. GB/x, tarmotwin, some weird affinity hybrid? cough GoldGhost012 cough
April 8, 2015 8:33 a.m.
lemmingllama That was pretty much the reason the fellow who traded them to me couldn't hold on to them. He's a prolific deck builder and green is his least favorite color so he was having a very difficult time justifying their price to himself. When I made an offer he barely hesitated. I'm a lot more content with just one or two decks at a time.
Gspot My first stop actually is Zoo. A couple months ago there was a "What are your favorite guilds?" thread and when posting I noticed that My top 5 started with Selesnya but was conspicuously followed by every pairing with red. Following that trend, Naya should be perfect for me, so I'm pretty excited to see what a real modern Zoo deck can do.
That being said, I LOVE Twin. I did actually trade away a lot of Twin pieces for the goyfs though, including Splinter Twin itself, but I retained Remand, Snapcaster Mage, and a few of the other important staples for the deck. I'm sure I'll be back to give Tarmotwin a try once I've gotten my head wrapped around Zoo though.
BGx has always been a dream but I don't have Lilianna of the Veil and she's a pretty big investment at the moment. Again, not nearly as scary now that I have the Goyfs. :D
April 8, 2015 3:23 p.m.
Also, THANKS FinchFalcon and Dalektable T_T I'm so happy. lol
April 8, 2015 3:24 p.m.
The stuff I remember:
- 3 Cryptic Command
- 4 Gitaxian Probe
- 3 Blood Moon
- 4 Splinter Twin
- 4 Deceiver Exarch
- 4 Pestermite
- 4 Celestial Colonnade
- 4 Flooded Strand
- 1 Arid Mesa
- 4 Steam Vents
- 3 Hallowed Fountain
- 2 Sacred Foundry
- 3 Spell Snare
- 4 Dispel
- 2 Electrolyze
- 1 [[Wrath of God [C13] ]]
- 2 Supreme Verdict
- 2 Sphinx's Revelation
- 1 Sarkhan Unbroken
- 1 Tooth and Nail
I may have missed a few but I basically swapped him the majority of my American Control shell along with the traditional Splinter Twin combo.
ChiefBell says... #2
I shed a tear of pride.
April 8, 2015 5:36 a.m.