Just Chatting - Take 3

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Posted on April 24, 2015, 4:02 p.m. by Didgeridooda

Third time's a charm.

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HolyFalcon says... #1

heh, saw stuff about Minecraft so headed over to JC.

-goes back to being derpfish in minecraft-

May 25, 2015 8:31 p.m.

@Ohthenoises CONGRATZ!

May 25, 2015 8:32 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #3

Made a design for a 2x3 sliding glass door that take up almost no space and everything is hidden, it's pretty glorious

May 25, 2015 8:37 p.m.

Scorprix says... #4

I did not know that. I just assumed he was like 6 or 7 or something...

Also, could you supply us with a picture?


May 25, 2015 8:41 p.m. Edited.

scorp, getting a little friendly there.

nvm, I shouldnt be talking.

May 25, 2015 8:43 p.m.

Scorprix says... #6

Also Ohthenoises, what is his name?

May 25, 2015 8:47 p.m.

xzzane says... #7

I apparently have -1 deck cycles remaining. Interesting.

May 25, 2015 9:05 p.m.

Runlue says... #8

I just had someone comment on one of my decks saying they made an account JUST to upvote my stuff. And now he's making the deck himself.

I love this community. <3

May 25, 2015 9:08 p.m.

xzzane says... #9

Yeah, same happened to mW a while back. Feels good.

May 25, 2015 9:10 p.m.

Congratulations Ohthenoises!

I'm Novice by the way, I do believe we have yet to meet.


May 25, 2015 9:10 p.m.

@Runlue wow. I wish people would upvote my stuff.

May 25, 2015 9:10 p.m.

@xzzane what? is this like how by not doing anything I go up in rank?

then again...

epoch, were you rewarding me for shutting up?

May 25, 2015 9:11 p.m.

Don't think of it as getting a carrot.

Think of it as not getting hit by a stick.

May 25, 2015 9:17 p.m.

kyuuri117 says... #14

To the quote wall

May 25, 2015 9:18 p.m.

LOL agreed.

May 25, 2015 9:22 p.m.


I'm just holding out for 21. Tobacco doesn't really interest me and I already hit 16 (thank goodness)

May 25, 2015 9:24 p.m.

The day I turn 21, I'm gonna have some scotch. I want to experience the liquid magic :P

May 25, 2015 9:26 p.m.

Honestly, alcohol was way more fun for me when it was still illegal. Part of that was because the atmosphere was different; it was part of the college party experience going out, getting trashed, and avoiding cops on the way back to some girl's dorm. Part of it was also that the alcohol was never my responsibility.

Even when I turned 21, I was still drinking with friends who were 20 or 19, so we were still holding room parties.

Now that everyone's 21, we're typically going to the bar if anything, which means dealing with huge crowds of annoying people, expensive booze, and shitty music.

Of course, I can just drink in the comfort of my own home. But that much hasn't changed. It's just that I now get to personally pick my liquor.

Pretty sure I'm up to three bottles of scotch and a few bottles of various other whiskeys.

May 25, 2015 9:35 p.m.

Mmmmmm.... scotch.

Yeah, it's still scotch thirty. I should fix this empty glass next to me.

May 25, 2015 9:37 p.m.

lol you should see my dad's liquor cabinet. He likes to buy in bulk when it's on sale, we've got at least two bottles of Dewars, one Laphroaig, and we miiiight have some Macellan but I'm not sure.

May 25, 2015 9:38 p.m.

@ Epochalyptik

I don't really miss the shitty college beer and RAs knocking on the door, the rest holds true though.

May 25, 2015 9:40 p.m.

My family doesnt drink alcohal. I can't even spell it. My mom drank a bit after her mom died, though.

May 25, 2015 9:41 p.m.

Mmmmmm.... Laphroaig. Can't really go wrong with Macallan either.

May 25, 2015 9:42 p.m.

The last time I had Macallan, it was a Macallan 12 at a J.B. Dawsons and some cougar at the bar was eying me. Incidentally, I was waiting for my best friend/FWB, who was so late that I was half drunk when she finally arrived.

Alcohol and fun times are closely connected in my life.

May 25, 2015 9:44 p.m.

kyuuri117 says... #25

Room parties? Pleb. Gotta go build a bonfire in the quad and say "fuck it"

May 25, 2015 9:45 p.m.

@fluffybunnypants: The RAs never bothered me. The shit beer was another story, though. Too many nights with Keystone, Natty, and Bud (which tastes like distilled wood, by the way).

I always liked mixed drinks better for getting drunk because I could down a bunch and not hate myself.

@kyuuri117: If only. Campus police were very acutely attuned to the sound of criminal scum vandalizing school property.

Spent quite a few nights going for walks with cigars and whisky, though.

May 25, 2015 9:45 p.m. Edited.

It's a tradition in our house that somebody always buys my dad Laphroaig for his birthday.

May 25, 2015 9:49 p.m.

@ Epochalyptik

It was really only mostly my Sophomore year. The rest of the time they all knew me pretty well. Having to appear before the housing counsel still counts as no fun.


I can usually count on a bottle of Macallan or a bottle of Laphroaig on my birthday. No complaints whatsoever.

May 25, 2015 9:50 p.m. Edited.

kyuuri117 says... #29

Haha yea we never got to have a bonfire on the quad either. We WERE right next woods owned by the state, so we could hike a mile in, get off school property, and have a bonfire right next to the water on a lake. Set up a spit with some sticks over it and roast hams, brautwursts, etc. while drinking. Was awesome.

May 25, 2015 9:50 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #30

Campus police? You guys have campus police?

May 25, 2015 9:51 p.m.

VampireArmy says... #31

The last bonfire i attended resulted in my getting high and walking into the fire

May 25, 2015 9:51 p.m.

kyuuri117 says... #32

...you don't have campus police? I thought that was a requirement.

May 25, 2015 9:51 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #33

Also, score me a job ... that takes 2 hours to get to.

May 25, 2015 9:52 p.m.

Vamp I'm sorry to hear that..... but it's fuckin hilarious

And with that I'm going to bed. Good night y'all.

May 25, 2015 9:53 p.m.

VampireArmy says... #35

It was so pretty man. And warm

May 25, 2015 9:54 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #36

kyuuri117, campus police have been proven to be far more detrimental than any good here, like arresting massive amounts of students who weren't violent or aggressive at all, and in general spurring up riots so that they CAN arrest them.

May 25, 2015 9:54 p.m.


My campus police were actually the town's police that had a separate station on campus. I passed them on patrol many times whilst meandering drunkenly across the quad, though I was never stopped.

May 25, 2015 9:54 p.m.

@ VampireArmy

You're one of those people who would stand in the fire back when I used to play WoW, weren't you?

May 25, 2015 9:55 p.m.

@Femme_Fatale, is there a campus within two hours of where you live? If so, become part of the campus police. XD

May 25, 2015 9:57 p.m.

My university actually has its own police force, but they don't do much. They're mostly there for obligatory patrols, riot control, amnesty escorts, and checkpointing for egregiously drunk or belligerent frat bros. Oh, and enforcing parking regulations. Because having a Parking Services department isn't enough.

May 25, 2015 9:58 p.m.

VampireArmy says... #41

Indeed. I also accidently hit someone with a mortar at 4th of july. Massivew burns for everyone!

May 25, 2015 9:59 p.m.

why the hell'd you have a mortar?

May 25, 2015 10:02 p.m.

Mortars are a lot of fun. According to YouTube (and you, now), they're also a massive source of pain for drunk people.

Roman candle dueling is also hilarious.

May 25, 2015 10:02 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #44

NoviceMagician, the campus size of UBC is that of equivalent to a town. It's massive and it takes about an hour to walk from the north part to the southern part of the campus.

May 25, 2015 10:02 p.m.

@Derp: Mortars are a kind of firework.

May 25, 2015 10:02 p.m.

okay. I assumed you ment, y'know, mortar.

May 25, 2015 10:03 p.m.

addaff says... #47

I've been way too close to mortars too many times..I'm referring to the military grade mortars that have a 50m kill radius and not something from a local firework shop

May 25, 2015 10:06 p.m.

Scorprix says... #48

Beer tastes pretty good honestly, but my older brother hates the stuff. I've always hated wines though...

And once when I was really young I drank like 2 or 3 wine glasses of raspberry beer thinking it was juice. I even got a bit tipsy.

May 25, 2015 10:06 p.m.

you were in army? ty4 service.

whats it like?

May 25, 2015 10:07 p.m. Edited.
May 25, 2015 10:23 p.m.

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