Just Chatting - Take 3
Social forum
Posted on April 24, 2015, 4:02 p.m. by Didgeridooda
Third time's a charm.
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So, anyone up for a serious question that needs to be answered?
June 3, 2015 8:46 p.m.
NoPantsParade says... #6
Also, thanks kyuuri117 and Didgeridooda for the information. Would something like this work? Thanks.
June 3, 2015 9:08 p.m.
CanadianShinobi says... #7
I can't really interpret what you meant. It's slightly unclear derp.
June 3, 2015 9:12 p.m.
OKAY, I APOLOGIZE, TappedOut completely shut down on my phone, so I had to wait to get on a computer.
ANYWAYS, here's the question: How do you guys make very important decisions? Like, when it comes to deciding between college and stuff, or what job to get, or how to live your life. Stuff like that.
June 4, 2015 11:03 a.m.
I need to keep a quote wall. It would be...very useful.
God diddly-damn, when are spoilers starting?
June 4, 2015 11:15 a.m.
Epochalyptik says... #16
I have an English degree and I got a job as a policy analyst at a world-class University.
June 4, 2015 11:20 a.m.
Lol, Epochalyptik, I actually have one too and it got me a job at Riot Games. But ya know, jokes.
June 4, 2015 11:22 a.m.
NoPantsParade says... #18
Runlue: Sounds stupid and cliche but do what makes you happy. That's what I do. You know what's best for you, so do that. Or do what ThisIsBullshit said and just roll a die.
June 4, 2015 11:39 a.m.
CanadianShinobi says... #19
I have a History degree with a minor in English. But I still need and want my Masters. Ideally I also want to get my PhD.
June 4, 2015 11:42 a.m.
I'm actually going back for a degree in Engineering with a focus on the software development life cycle right now. I figure English and Engineering together pretty much covers all my bases.
June 4, 2015 11:46 a.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #21
I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to get my degree in, but since I go to a pretty expensive and fairly renowned engineering school, it'll have something to do with engineering.
June 4, 2015 11:49 a.m.
Electrical and industrial engineering is always in demand - essentially designing and building circuits, or designing and building mechanical stuff - it's hard, so not many people do it. Software engineering ranks really highly on the most valuable degree list as well, but you could end up competing with people that have basic computer science degrees for programming jobs depending where you apply.
June 4, 2015 11:54 a.m. Edited.
NoPantsParade says... #23
I'm planning on getting into my school's pharmacy school sophomore year and hoping to graduate with a Pharm D in 6 years instead of 8. I think if I go that way I won't have a degree. If I don't get in sophomore year, then I'll shoot for a chemistry or exercise/sports science degree, then maybe double major with Spanish thrown in there.
June 4, 2015 11:55 a.m.
hopes for one conversation
gets derailed into another one
Okay... You're welcome, guys...
June 4, 2015 11:55 a.m.
Just let the decisions come to you naturally. Become the decision.
June 4, 2015 11:57 a.m.
Epochalyptik says... #26
Go with cost-benefit analysis for important decisions. Don't be a pleb.
June 4, 2015 11:58 a.m.
Runlue, there isn't much of a conversation to have around your question. Everyone makes decisions differently. Ultimately you have to decide what's most important to you and go with it. Sure, there's probably a deep philosophical discussion about the effects of morality and bliss on decision making. But most people are just going to tell you varying degrees of the same thing - I do whatever makes the most sense for me.
June 4, 2015 11:58 a.m.
CanadianShinobi says... #28
Well I usually make my life decisions via Magic 8 Ball.
June 4, 2015 12:01 p.m.
GoldGhost012, here you go. You may notice that the first 7 and then the very first degree on the list are all engineering. Then 2 and 3 are math, computer, or medical based. Arguably #3, the computer one, can also count as engineering as most of those courses will be taught at engineering schools with parallel courses that all engineers have to take (math, physics, etc.).
June 4, 2015 12:02 p.m. Edited.
Epochalyptik I'm talking about more than just the budget of certain decisions. I'm talking about life decisions. It may have seemed that way from me saying things like a job and college and what-not, but I meant in a more personal way.
The reason I ask is because, as a soon to be adult, I need to start making some heavy decisions. And I don't think I'm ready mentally to make them. So, that's why I ask.
I feel like all I add to this thread is my problems, so I should probably contribute more to the conversations already happening. XD
June 4, 2015 12:04 p.m.
APPLE01DOJ says... #31
Lol here's a secret Runlue, it's okay f@&$ up xD
I've been an adult a long time and still don't have it figured out. Find what makes you happy and stick with it.
June 4, 2015 12:07 p.m.
And I'm only 14, so I'm not much help over here. I'm just telling you what works for me.
June 4, 2015 12:08 p.m.
What APPLE01DOJ said. And I rarely agree with vegetarians (:P). Seriously, there should be a class in high school that just tells kids what adulthood is really like. It's a long series of making mistakes, learning from them, then making different ones. That's how you grow. And if a decision is WAY to heavy for you to make right now, you need to ask yourself whether you actually need to be making it. And if the answer is yes, talk it over with some people you trust.
June 4, 2015 12:10 p.m.
Oh... well, this is awkward...
I'm also a vegetarian. XD
But thanks for the tips guys. Means a lot. :)
June 4, 2015 12:12 p.m.
Welllll, I don't think mistake is the right word for that...
I like the word(s) "I was raised in vegetarianism and so my body can't handle meat naturally".
It's a learning process.
June 4, 2015 12:16 p.m.
I was gonna make a joke about Mayushii, but then I decided against it. Because STEINS;GATE.
June 4, 2015 12:16 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #38
@Runlue: "Cost" doesn't mean "money." A cost is anything that you have to sacrifice in order to make a decision or achieve a benefit. Time is a cost. Money is a cost. Closing off options is a cost. Potential costs may include options that you exclude from later paths. Delays. Anything that could set you back or alter your position.
June 4, 2015 12:16 p.m.
CanadianShinobi says... #39
Runlue I don't think we can cope with you being a vegetarian. It'll destroy the American family and next people won't want to eat meat at all. Pretty soon vegetarians will be pushing their sinister Vegetarian Agenda and asking for equal rights...
June 4, 2015 12:17 p.m.
I kid, of course. I don't care what other people eat. Doesn't affect me.
June 4, 2015 12:18 p.m.
CanadianShinobi What is this "Vegetarian Agenda" you speak of? Also, I see nothing wrong with meat-eaters or vegetarians, we just eat what we want. I don't know why you carnivores think we're some alien race or something... Because I can guarantee you we're not... I think...
Epochalyptik Okay, your statements make much more sense now. I was gonna say, I was starting to think your infinite knowledge was starting to run dry. XD
June 4, 2015 12:23 p.m.
Runlue, I think the vegetarian stigma comes from the preachy vegetarians that try to guilt the rest of us out of eating meat because 'Meat is Murder.' I think everyone has met at least one vegetarian (or, god forbid, a vegan) that just won't get down from their high horse.
June 4, 2015 12:26 p.m.
Well, maybe it's because I'm a veggy myself, but I've never met someone like that.
Let's hope it stays that way. XD
June 4, 2015 12:27 p.m.
I personally know one particularly preachy self-proclaimed "vegan" that doesn't apparently know what vegan means, because she's always eating cheese sticks.
June 4, 2015 12:27 p.m.
Didgeridooda says... #47
Cost/benefit has some subjective parts to it. That is why it is so helpful to use it when making a decision. Just do 2 columns of lists. That is how I have made serious decisions for my life, and how I will continue to do it.
Helps to know where you want to end up a little bit. If you want to be a high power CEO, have a spouse/4 kids, or anything else. Each end game has different steps to get there, but you will figure it out as you go. If you want to be successful, that is a step in the right direction.
Make sure to get a viable degree in a field that is not watered down if your plan includes college. Maybe you can start working for a company that has a program to pay for school. Internships help gain you the all important experience, but you have to make sure you are getting the experience you need.
Just figure out a goal, and work towards it. It might not be the one you end up with, but you will be in the right direction if you change.
June 4, 2015 12:29 p.m.
Oh ya, I hate the vegetarians/vegans that act like they know everything.
I have a funny story now.
My dad was with his Uncle and his Mom at this restaurant, and my dad was looking at the menu, and didn't see a lot of vegetarian options, so his Mom told him to just order this soup that he was looking at, just without the meat. So he did, and they took his order, and went in to fix it.
They come out with the soup, and my dad takes a bite of one of the chunks, and notices that it tastes different from other soups he's had. His Uncle looks in the soup, and pulls out this GIANT piece of CHICKEN.
So my Dad calls up the waitress again, and asks her "I thought I ordered this with no meat", and she responds with "Yup! There's no meat in there! I checked with the cook myself!" My Dad pulls out the chicken and says "Then what is this?" and the waitress simply responds with "Oh, that's the chicken!".
Like, are you serious.
June 4, 2015 12:33 p.m.
Yeah, I've known far too many of those types of people. I can't be around them for too long - their dumb makes me angry.
You wouldn't believe how many people ask stuff like, "there's carbs in bread?!" "there's carbs in fruit?!" "You can't eat chicken nuggets?! But they're chicken!" "What about BBQ sauce? You can just dip plain chicken in BBQ sauce right?" (no you idiot, BBQ sauce is just smoky sugar goo! ... sigh) when they find out I eat low carb.
No wonder everyone has diabetes.
June 4, 2015 12:37 p.m. Edited.
Tell me about it.
I can't tell you how many times people ask me if I eat fish.
@CanadianShinobi I know not everyone hates control. I never said that. plz read what I said.
June 3, 2015 8:41 p.m.