Just Chatting - Take 3
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Posted on April 24, 2015, 4:02 p.m. by Didgeridooda
Third time's a charm.
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GlistenerAgent says... #3
Why is that a shuffling thing?
Today I learned that I play better when I don't talk to my opponent. Who knew?
August 21, 2015 9:05 p.m.
Coinman1863 says... #4
Well, talking for me slows the game down. The only opponent I talked with put me to a draw at ORI prerelease and barely out of the top 8 Going 2-2-1
August 21, 2015 9:10 p.m.
Coinman1863 says... #5
As a side note, did you guys read about the US marines who stopped a terrorist attack on a french train, even after one of them was shot in the neck?
All I can say is 'MERICA!
August 21, 2015 9:28 p.m.
trollslayer says... #6
EDH on untap. people join if want. group hug is there.
August 21, 2015 10:02 p.m.
Doom!!! Doom is all I have to say!!! =n.n= Irrelevant unjustified undefined doom!!!!! Muwahahaha!
Fame-Melon, damn yeh got denied so hard!!! O.O Hero taking a turn and all to be a mean b... Holy S!
Coinman1863 I wish I could go out as such a man! Instead Im.... this.... -.-
August 22, 2015 3:25 a.m.
Coinman1863 says... #9
Ryotenchi, also both of the marines lived to. Even after being shot in the neck.
August 22, 2015 8:10 a.m.
HolyFalcon says... #10
Managed to go 3-1 at FNM, netting a Serum Visions. Also, got my set of Mana Leak and my Platinum Angel alters back, pics later.
August 22, 2015 8:47 a.m.
TheNextRedDude says... #12
nice, that looks- helpmeicanonlycommunicateonceevery6- Awesome!
August 22, 2015 8:53 a.m.
Those leak alters are sick. How much did you pay for them?
August 22, 2015 9:01 a.m.
HolyFalcon says... #14
15 each. Very happy with how they turned out, and a friend of mine is getting a Brainstorm altered, I'll try and get a pic of it.
August 22, 2015 9:09 a.m.
Those are sick! o.o * Wantz *
I think Id start with getting one of my Leonin Arbiter altered, at some point. Yeh guys see those ones elpokitolama had done?! O,,O
August 22, 2015 3:21 p.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #16
The only alter I have is the Sedge Scorpion alter I am very happy with. It's an entirely metallic scorpion, inspired by Scorponok.
August 22, 2015 3:32 p.m. Edited.
VampireArmy says... #17
So my first card ever is a foil drana. Recently I've had the desire to build an edh deck with her but i have 2 questions.
Is it possible to fix damaged cards? It's an old card and therefore some of the edges have scratched off.
Is it possible to apply a foil layer over non foil cards such as like duel deck stuff?
August 22, 2015 3:32 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #18
I could make an alter for you VA though it wouldn't be the actual Drana.
Anything I can draw up in MSE I can make with the inkjet transparencies.
August 22, 2015 3:54 p.m. Edited.
VampireArmy says... #19
Well the idea is i want to make my existing one look pretty again either through altering or repair
August 22, 2015 3:58 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #20
Can't do a lot there.
I COULD make a 3x5 version though.... Lmao
August 22, 2015 3:59 p.m.
Neat! o.o
I dont what the name of the peeps Lama got his from, tried to find it... They had some sick alters with like foil tape stuff or something.. ..Really wish I could get me some of those..
So, Ohthenoises yeh dont need a laser printer to get quality foil perma proxies?
I got a ton of de-inked foils I been lazy about making mine with cause I fear them coming out bad..
August 22, 2015 4:31 p.m.
Coinman1863 says... #25
Ohthenoises, I applaud you for finding a good use for those useless things that no one usually wants.
August 22, 2015 4:31 p.m.
Coinman1863 says... #27
I'm currently working on it as a second choice, all I have is R/W burn right now.
August 22, 2015 5:03 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #28
August 22, 2015 5:08 p.m.
filledelanuit says... #29
I am getting rid of U Tron after discovering that I don't like playing it at all. Anyone want some of it.
August 22, 2015 5:09 p.m.
elpokitolama says... #30
Gonna scan the alters I play once my Thalia and my Restoration Angel will be done :)
I've got two foil walkers altered with gold. Yeah, real gold! :D
August 22, 2015 5:56 p.m. Edited.
HolyFalcon says... #31
Yeah Noises, I play your springboard with some adaptations.
Basically, I want all yo guys Wurmcoil Engine, Oblivion Stone, and Remand. GImme gimme.
August 22, 2015 6:20 p.m.
filledelanuit says... #32
Magicrafter I have 2 Wurmcoils, an O stone and 4 remands.
August 22, 2015 6:29 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #34
Hello, my name Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die.
August 22, 2015 8:01 p.m.
VampireArmy says... #35
Anonymous in haiku:
Always upsetti
Never forgetti
Expoct us
August 22, 2015 8:22 p.m.
Coinman1863 says... #37
Didgeridooda did you get my email? Also 666 is the devil (yay religious superstition) and 777 is lucky, so what does 888 or 999 mean then...
August 22, 2015 8:45 p.m.
Didgeridooda says... #38
Oh did I!
Sorry I did not respond, but wow, that seems like a great time. How far away from the moose did you get?
August 22, 2015 8:49 p.m.
Coinman1863 says... #39
It was about 10ish feet, after I took the pictures, it walked across the road in front of the car. Those pictures are about 40 feet away.
August 22, 2015 8:56 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #40
Actually, 999 is the devil, everything in hell is upside down.
August 22, 2015 9 p.m.
HolyFalcon says... #42
Does this look like it could do good at a PPTQ (don't wanna post in deck help because it will be way easier to just ask here and I don't need scrubs saying I need to play bad cards)
August 22, 2015 9:10 p.m.
VampireArmy says... #43
Actually yeah. That deck looks solid to me. Imo you need to have 3-4 Obelisk of Urd in the side and i doubt Peak Eruption nor Arc Lightning will be that good.
August 22, 2015 9:14 p.m.
HolyFalcon says... #46
Obs will be going in, but I wanna keep at least 1 Peak in because that card is soo good in the mirror and stuff.
August 22, 2015 9:25 p.m.
HolyFalcon says... #47
Also, am I leaning to much in the middle between RDW and GOblins, or does it seem ok?
August 22, 2015 9:26 p.m.
NoPantsParade says... #49
Fucking laundry sucks in college. There was a towel taking up one dryer so I took out the towel after it finished. I am about to do the same with another kid's load because it's been 20 minutes since the dryer finished. I'm a savage tonight.
On a side note, ice cream upsets my stomach. So I have an excuse to hate ice cream/frozen yogurt.
August 22, 2015 10:44 p.m. Edited.
I got a break from school, football and work. Anyone wanna play a game of commander on untap v2? I have played very little of it and I'm rather excited.
I now hate the untap gods with much energy.
August 21, 2015 8:53 p.m.