Just Chatting - Take 3

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Posted on April 24, 2015, 4:02 p.m. by Didgeridooda

Third time's a charm.

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Ohthenoises says... #1

kyuuri117 It's less the firing of weapons (that's the fun part) but the cleanup that's a bitch.

So annoying when you are part of a 10 man detail to clean the company's weapons.

That being said, look up a MK-19. That is the most fun I have EVER had on a firing range.

November 23, 2015 12:29 a.m.

CuteSnail says... #2

Do you guys think Darkness is work running in Mono- control? Specifically EDH?

November 23, 2015 12:33 a.m.

kyuuri117 says... #3

Ohthenoises Speaking of cleaning, how often should I be cleaning the shotgun? It's just a basic Remington 870. I've been oiling and cleaning it with patches every time I use it, as that seems like common sense, but I've been told that you don't really need to clean em more than 2-3 times a year. Thoughts?

November 23, 2015 12:42 a.m.

kyuuri117 says... #4

And that grenade launcher looks insane.

November 23, 2015 12:47 a.m.

@NecroPony yes. and in any deck that runs black. its an amazing card and no one ever sees in coming, usually spoiling plans.

November 23, 2015 12:48 a.m.

CuteSnail says... #6

I'll need to find a cut in Liliana then. ooh goody, it'll lower my curve.

November 23, 2015 12:50 a.m.

Ohthenoises says... #7

kyuuri117 Personally I'm really anal about weapons cleaning. I clean my .45 after every use so the carbon can't build up. Shotguns are a different beast. There are tools called "boresnakes" though that make life SUPER easy. Best investment ever.

enter image description here

enter image description here

November 23, 2015 1:01 a.m.

CuteSnail says... #8

Should I build Haakon voltron?

November 23, 2015 1:04 a.m.

Ravolt says... #9

Does anyone get discouraged sometimes during deck building when you see another decklist that looks so op, and you're thinking "how can I ever top that"?

November 23, 2015 1:21 a.m.

Scorprix says... #10

Certainly Ravolt, but that's why it's fun to build and play your own unique decks. It makes the experience much less dull and makes it less of a chore if there are far less decks to compare to.

November 23, 2015 1:39 a.m.

Ravolt says... #11

Scorprix Yeah, though I just like to be original with my deck strategies.

I just thought of a new idea actually. How would using Tasigur as commander to mill-zile all of my opponents decks sound?

November 23, 2015 2:22 a.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #12

The best part Ravolt, is when you make one of those decks. I'm nearing one of those now, I just need to wait for OGW to see if it makes it better.

November 23, 2015 3:38 a.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #13

Just contacted the professor to see if he can try out untap.in. Hopefully I'll hear back from him soon.

November 23, 2015 4:01 a.m.

Ravolt says... #14

I also finally realized how to make Meren artifacts a thing. It was staring at me right in the face XD

November 23, 2015 4:53 a.m.

Coinman1863 says... #15

Seconding Ohthenoises here, I would suggest for you o buy a boresnake. That's really the only good way to clean a shotgun.

I myself live in Maine where finding dead foul (which people forgot) in kids lockers lockers is a regularity during hunting season.

I lucking do not have to clean them up when kids inevitably forget and leave then there.

Also Noises, Maine was dumb enough to strike down laws for permits for concealed carry. Yay for our dumb state, you barely need a license (you may not even need one, I think the latter) to own a gun. At least they still do backround checks (I think).

November 23, 2015 5:45 a.m.

Ohthenoises says... #16

Background checks are federally mandated.

I don't think it's a bad thing to remove the concealed carry restriction. Look at Vermont's gun crime rate. We are (were last I looked) the third lowest per capita in the US for violent gun crime. The difference is the attitude here, we don't make guns into a big deal so they aren't.

We see them more as a hammer or a circular saw. It's just a tool.

We also educate our young at an early age so there isn't a fear and stigma.

November 23, 2015 8:08 a.m.

Didgeridooda says... #17

That last part of your last post is the most important.

Teach them it is a toy, they will see it as a toy. Teach then it is a tool that must be respected, and it will be treated as such.

November 23, 2015 1 p.m.

filledelanuit says... #18

This is key. Education is very important with firearms.

I don't have a clue how to use a gun but I know that I shouldn't be allowed to touch one without supervision because I might kill someone.

This is just my opinion but having a firearm is like having a car. You should know how to use it to be allowed to use one. We don't let people drive without a license so we shouldn't let people have guns without showing they know what they're doing. It doesn't need to be difficult. It shouldn't take more than a few minutes to show you know how to shoot, how to be safe and how to store a gun.

November 23, 2015 1:34 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #19

lordoftheshadows I actually have a plan that I would implement to make everyone happy.

Up here we have a course that you have to take for snowmachines to drive them safely and to get a license.

My proposition would be similar. A 1-2 hour course on how to disassemble, clean, and teach. Once that's all done you get a background check valid for a few years (let's say 2). Then you get a photo I.D. mailed to you that you can keep and get the background check renewed.

To purchase a gun you would simply show the seller the I.D. and as long as the date was valid he knows you have a valid background check and doesn't have to run it on site.

This way you don't register the weapons, (the biggest pro gun argument) you register the people.

You can go a step further to add "classes" the the I.D. for things like concealed carry similar to the classes on Driving licenses.

This way, everyone gets trained. Everyone knows that any owner has a valid background. No weapons are registered. This also handles concealed carry easily and is easily expandable. This would reduce the costs for sellers as well since they wouldn't have to run checks for every sale. They would simply have to verify that the date was valid.

November 23, 2015 5:14 p.m. Edited.

Dude the classes thing would be awesome like if you have a class D you can buy handguns, class C you get shotguns or whatever.

Noises for president

November 23, 2015 5:26 p.m.

elpokitolama says... #21

No weapons at all would be far better tho... The only peoples that really need those are the ones who are living in places where there's some dangerous wildlife, like bears, wolves, etc. There's no other acceptable reason, even tradition can't justify the number of murders by guns (outside of military use, of course...).

By the way, in Europe listing all weapon users instead of weapons would be like far more revolting. x)

November 23, 2015 5:33 p.m.

I second that, because I am at this point I find it unlikely a decent person will be elected.

November 23, 2015 5:33 p.m.

Lama while that is true, there are a lot of us who enjoy hunting/trap shooting and would never harm another human being without an extremely good reason.

There are far more sane gun owners than insane ones, you just never hear about them.

November 23, 2015 5:42 p.m.

elpokitolama says... #24

It's not just hearing about them, it's just looking at the figures... Not just the raw numbers, but the fraction of population that dies every year because of this. I can understand people liking hunting thought (even if I don't).

By the way, pro or con non lethal weapons replacing lethal ones for the police?

November 23, 2015 5:52 p.m. Edited.

filledelanuit says... #25

Ohthenoises I like that idea a lot. It seems very reasonable and doesn't particularily infringe on anyone's rights.

Lama, I'm not sure. I think that the police should use a taser first. It will take someone down just as effectively but won't kill someone. But there are definately officers who need the threat of a gun.

November 23, 2015 6:04 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #26

Lama, if you were really looking at the numbers you would see that knife crime is near 10x the number per capita compared to gun crime.

Hammers and clubs have more deaths than guns in the states, including the mass shootings.

As was mentioned, there are far more sane people who have weapons for innocuous purposes than there are insane people.

Also, the police already have tons of non-lethal options. You just don't hear about them because they aren't controversial. (Exception; mace) there are tazers, sure, but there's also beanbag shotguns, rubber slugs, rubber bullets, non-lethal claymores, rubber grenades, CS smoke grenades, water cannons, etc, etc, etc

November 23, 2015 6:26 p.m.

Sorry, son. Leave my guns alone.

November 23, 2015 6:34 p.m.

Careful lama you're going to summon every goddamn redneck in the country if you keep going on like that lol

November 23, 2015 6:45 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #29

All, thanks for the support on the idea. The only problem with it? It makes sense so it will never be implemented....

As a firm believer in neutrality I try to find a balance. On the one hand I recognize that some type of gun control is needed but in the other hand it's not ban on that needs implementation, it's training.

In the Army we harped on training to the fullest, more training = more competence = less death. I was fully qualified on every hand held and ground vehicle mounted weapon the army has, crew serve and otherwise.

  • M9
  • M4
  • M16
  • M203
  • M249
  • 240B
  • M2 (50 cal)
  • MK-19

Just to name a few.

More training let me feel comfortable and not afraid.

Now, keep in mind, I was a non-combat MOS. I was a military intelligence network administrator. Yet they trained me in everything they could.

November 23, 2015 6:57 p.m. Edited.

kyuuri117 says... #30

To be honest, taking away lethal weapons from the police at this point would be a terrible idea. The death count of east coast cops in Miami, New York City and Boston would skyrocket.

November 23, 2015 7:08 p.m. Edited.

Scorprix says... #32

Hello to my Commander playing friends! I call upon thee for advise!

Is Solemn Simulacrum a staple in every commander deck ever? Is it just a card that unless you are in certain niche' deck categories you should have in your 99? Or is it just a really good card that many decks utilize, but is not an EDH staple?

November 23, 2015 8:24 p.m.

kyuuri117 says... #33

I don't put the simulacrum in every edh deck, but it's one of those cards that you need a good reason to not include. Like having an average cmc of 2 in a stax deck.

But yea, he's a staple that should be in most decks. He ramps, he blocks, and he replaces himself. If it matters, he also triggers landfall for creatures late game. To make things better, he's not a pain in the ass. Like, you could argue that every blue deck should have a consecrated Sphinx and every green deck a tooth and nail. And if you're going for power, you're correct. But a lot of people get bored of those cards. No one groans because of simulacrum. Just a great example of an almost perfectly designed card.

November 23, 2015 8:32 p.m.

I should probably run him in my EDH deck

November 23, 2015 9:17 p.m.

Scorprix says... #35

Kaalia? Wouldn't that just clog up your 4-drop slot?

November 23, 2015 9:29 p.m.

Oh hell no lol I'd put him in Azami

November 23, 2015 9:47 p.m.

Arvail says... #37

Solemn Simulacrum is okay. It acts as a decent ramp option in colors where land seek is limited. It can also be recurred or flickered. He's usually decent value. Oh, and he's a pretty inexpensive card for a staple too. He's just good enough to where you generally want to run him.

However, when you get to anything above mid-level play, you'll be damned if you see one of these. At this level, your accelerants need to be more accessible. Your 4-drop ramp spells need to be on the level of Skyshroud Claim. Once you go past a certain point, this sad robot seems to become Mox Diamond almost all of the time. Besides, the higher tiers of play feature significantly fewer creature-based decks, so the 2/2 body is less needed to block. Unfortunately, that means it's also harder to draw that extra card from it.

November 23, 2015 9:49 p.m.

Scorprix says... #38

Now that makes WAAAY more sense...

And yes, yes you should.

November 23, 2015 9:50 p.m.

Arvail says... #39

No, no you should not. Azami wants Sea Scryer or cheaper rocks instead. That thing has also been errataed to be a Wizard. #money

November 23, 2015 9:53 p.m.

kyuuri117 says... #40

I honestly disagree about the simulacrum. If you've got one player with an insanely fast combo EDH deck like Krenko or Purph, and everyone else at the table is playing with mediocre decks, then sure, solemn is bad. But if you've got a full table full of competitive decks, then those decks aren't going to just allow someone to go off. It's inevitably going to turn into a grind, and solemn is all about the grind.

Sure, in theory, stuff like Sea Scryer is better in an Azami deck. But if you're consistently going off with your Azami deck, it's not that your deck is great, it's that your opponents decks are bad. At that point, you're just making other people feel bad and wasting your own time. You might as well be gold-fishing. You shouldn't ever just be able to go off in EDH at a table that's balanced power level wise, and as such, running a Solemn Simulacrum helps to make sure you don't get stuck in the early game. It also helps you recover quite well after someone wipes all the land.

He's also better in multicolor decks as he can also color fix as well as ramp. Not so important in Azami, Krenko or Skithiryx, but definitely important in something like Maelstrom Wanderer.

November 23, 2015 11:17 p.m. Edited.

Arvail says... #41

You're absolutely right. It's impossible for you to pop off ever game. But it's not like the simulacrum's going to add much to your ability to grind out value. At higher levels of play, you absolutely need to look to generate value over time. However, the simulacrum is not what you want to be doing towards that end. It's just too inefficient. It pulls in too many directions while not being fantastic at any one thing.

You want to be casting stuff like Sylvan Library, Sensei's Divining Top, Necropotence, Jace, the Mind Sculptor, etc. Very rarely will you see utility effects worth playing tied to mana acceleration at that level of play. Cards like Oracle of Mul Daya are rare exceptions of that. Mind you, this is with multiplayer in mind. With 1-on-1, the simulacrum retains its worth.

November 24, 2015 12:04 a.m.

xzzane says... #42

I just played a game with some guy named Rushmtg. I triggered an Intangible Virtue off of my Windbrisk Heights before combat damage, as I usually do, and he got butthurt and left. I was going to win too. I hate it when people do that.

November 24, 2015 12:19 a.m.

Ohthenoises says... #43

Call it a scoop. Chalk it up as a win. :)

November 24, 2015 12:24 a.m.

xzzane says... #44

I did haha. It still vexes me though.

November 24, 2015 12:26 a.m.

Ohthenoises says... #45

It's too bad you're not on Xmage, I was going to mess with a mono green stompy deck.

November 24, 2015 12:27 a.m.

xzzane says... #46

Actually, I do have xmage. I just don't know how to use it lol. If you're up for teaching me how to use xmage, I'll play you.

November 24, 2015 12:29 a.m.

xzzane says... #47

EDIT: Ack, it reposted. It's been a while since I've seen it do that.

November 24, 2015 12:29 a.m. Edited.

Ohthenoises says... #48

Well not tonight but it's just like mtgo. It actually has rules enforcement, that's why I like it.

Tomorrow work for you?

November 24, 2015 12:32 a.m.

xzzane says... #49

Alas, I'll be busy all day tomorrow. I have to get up pretty early in order to head to Los Angeles, and I'll be busy the rest of the day getting settled in. Nothing to say we can't just schedule a game if we happen to be on tappedout at the same time, which is rather likely since we're both pretty active members.

November 24, 2015 12:37 a.m.

Ohthenoises says... #50

Thumbs up. Works for me. I'd even be willing to set up a skype call if ya want.

November 24, 2015 12:41 a.m.

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