Just Chatting - Take 3
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Posted on April 24, 2015, 4:02 p.m. by Didgeridooda
Third time's a charm.
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what the hell did I just see?
fuckin beanie?
maybe I should list some shit like that....
February 21, 2016 2:27 p.m.
Four hours into this mess now. I'm getting really tired of these billowy clouds and 19 million shades of gray and brown. Blending colors is hard, yo. I'm done for today.
I'm not sure if the clouds under the word "Ancient" in the card's title ought to extend past the text box towards the top-end of the card. What do you guys think?
Lots of color fixing to do still. Even so, I'm pretty happy with this thing considering it's my third piece. It should come out looking nice.
February 24, 2016 1:30 a.m.
you should try stuff besides just extending borders yknow.
and find some arts without the random cloudy black whatever. Find an art that has some potential to be better instead of just a big area of filling up space with blackish colors.
February 24, 2016 2:22 a.m.
@ TheDevicer - Getting better. The more grey parts of the clouds look great. The parts as high or higher than the name and mana cost need refinement and the land below "Enchantment - Aura" could use some work. I am guessing your not done with it but if you are having some more fade around the text-box would be nice.
February 24, 2016 3:11 a.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #9
The best alters are ones where the bottom half isn't just black.
February 24, 2016 6:53 a.m. Edited.
TheAnnihilator says... #10
@TheDevicer I have only a few criticisms, meant to be constructive:
1) The grassy area in the middle right of the card isn't the right color (it's a little too dark). The smoke/fog above it needs more blending.
2) The white clouds in the upper left (underneath the name) look odd. I mean, clouds probably can do stuff like that, where they slant upwards, but It's not particularly common -- I'd suggest giving it a different figure.
3) The red borders of text box still need work (though I understand that it's usually the last step in the process and you're not done working on it, so its no big deal).
As always, it looks very good. I'm actually quite impressed with how good you already considering you only started a few days ago!
Also, as an aside, I met Feline Longmore at the Louisville Open last Saturday during a round where my opponent no-showed, and we got to discuss altering and stuff like that nearly the entire round. I also barely missed day two with Esper Control, going 6-3 when only 7-2+ got in.
February 24, 2016 10:16 a.m.
@DERPLINGSUPREME - It seems like you're egging me on to pick up projects that would look flashier or would make for better alters. Something like extending the flames on Abbot of Keral Keep comes to mind. What you're not taking into account is that I pick the cards I alter according to my current skill-level and based on what particular skill I want to hone. Just take a look at the card I'm working on right now:
It has lots and lots of small variations in color along the edges. There's no obvious lines to extend either aside from the ground to the left. Extending the art on this card requires lots of blending to keep the soft look of the sky and clouds.
I'm not just splashing black paint along the edges here (although the photo does make the card appear darker than it actually is). If that were the case, this whole thing wouldn't have taken me 4 hours just to get to this incomplete state.
I'm trying to avoid biting off more than I can chew at the moment. Take this alter from r/mtgaltered, for example.
It's someone's very first work. It's a lot more interesting than the cards I've chosen to work with but the scope of what the author wanted to do is clearly above his or her current abilities. I think it's much more practical to be mindful of your own limitations and to focus on areas you want to improve in. That's the fastest path to getting good at anything.
Creating gradients and mixing paint is hard. It's exactly the skill I wanted to work on. That's why I picked up this card. I'm not trying to be flashy or make something breathtaking here. The card represents a step up in complexity from my previous alters.
Long post, but I hope that helps explain why I keep working with cards that may seem a bit mundane.
As always, TheAnnihilator, thanks for the critique. As I mentioned before, the card's a WIP so it's still quite crude. I decided to call it a night at that point. I'll see if I can touch up the card and finish it sometime in the next few days.
February 24, 2016 12:17 p.m.
Has anyone been keeping up with the Conspiracy stuff?
It was originally released as Conspiracy: The Reign of Brago and had him sitting in a throne, smirking. Then they released a picture of a girl slitting his throat with a dagger. Well, they've officially changed the name to Conspiracy: The Empty Throne. And the number of cards in the set has officially gone down from 221 to 220.
February 24, 2016 3:32 p.m.
TheNextRedDude says... #14
kyuuri117 XD. Wizards sure knows how to assassinate!
February 24, 2016 7:30 p.m.
Coinman1863 says... #15
Also, there is no set symbol announced yet, so who is going to take the throne/whats the last twist?
February 24, 2016 7:34 p.m.
I don't mind cardio. Strength training is kinda fun. Core workouts? Oh man those freaking suck.
Planks into push-ups into knee thrusts into planks? And that's one rep? Freaking dying over here.
February 24, 2016 8:56 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #18
I'm waiting for the spoils that are in articles that are coming out now like when Dack was spoiled. That was a total mindfuck
February 24, 2016 9:32 p.m.
VampireArmy says... #19
I just wasted 2 hours of my life arguing with a sjw. Why did i do it? Honestly because i think I'm tired of writting them off as useful idiots. They're damaging society at this point. Look at colleges for proof.
Sorry. Rant over. I'm in a bad place emotionally about this and i really shouldn't be.
February 25, 2016 12:33 a.m.
VampireArmy says... #20
Hey guys. Remember how Marchesa, the Black Roses ability was dethrone? :)
February 25, 2016 12:04 p.m.
ThisIsBullshit says... #24
Guys I'm trying to find Kaalia's uncharted realms, I've read it before but I can't find it anywhere now. halp pls
February 25, 2016 12:23 p.m.
ThisIsBullshit says... #26
No, she had an actual article written about her backstory, where Nefarox is taking people from her village and some leonin have her join them to take him down, so on and so forth.
February 25, 2016 1:09 p.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #29
Thanks, WotC. Love the fact that some of your articles (especially the ones about the already-hard-to-find lore) are completely gone now.
But here, have the reddit discussion.
February 25, 2016 1:31 p.m.
Does anyone watch stand up comedy? I don't watch much, but whenever I do the comedians always seem so freaking depressed, and it ends up making me depressed. Half the jokes are always stuff about their parents not supporting them or their friends abandoning them, and everyone always laughs at em, but they're clearly not really jokes. Don't really get the appeal.
February 25, 2016 5:18 p.m.
Didgeridooda says... #32
kyuuri117 They are all cynical bastards, and they are. I used to have a friend that was on comedy central once or twice though comedy was his side gig.
February 25, 2016 7:14 p.m.
kyuuri117 Tim Hawkins is cool. I've been watched him for a quite a bit and haven't seen any depressing jokes from him.
February 25, 2016 7:35 p.m.
Pokemon commercials always make me happy. They always focus on how anyone of any demographic of any culture anywhere in the world can enjoy the games together. Can't wait for Sun and Moon.
February 26, 2016 7:15 p.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #35
Sun and Moon looks sweet, but THIRD KALOS GAME FIRST PLZ.
February 26, 2016 7:25 p.m.
GoldGhost012, Yea I really wanted a sequel of sorts. I want to know more about Zinnia and Looker and Emma.
February 26, 2016 7:34 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #38
The sad part about Pokemon now though is that every game is the same, nothing is different.
I get that it's a cash cow but Jesus.
February 26, 2016 7:38 p.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #39
By that same logic, MTG's the same way. Walkers visiting different planes, tapping the same basic lands, moving on to a brand new place once the story moves on. Lol.
February 26, 2016 9:43 p.m.
Man, the last Pokemon game I played was Diamond back in 2006. Long, long time ago. Still have my old Pokemon blue on my desk. That's...almost twenty years old.
February 27, 2016 12:41 a.m.
@GoldGhost012 - That's a little bit different since deck-building has the potential to create lots of variety, we're constantly given new mechanics to work with, and we can play the game across multiple formats. The limited formats can also be played to death. Magic's presents us with so much to work with, it's a little unfair for other games, really.
Pokemon, on the other hand, offers you a linear experience that's only altered by RNG and the limited decisions you're allowed to make. As for the option to play against other players, the games in the series are notorious for poor balance. I should know as I used to ladder competitively quite a bit five years ago. At my peak, I reached top 100 OU and top 10 UU on Smogon.
Still, Pokemon games are lots of fun if you just want to kick back and enjoy something familiar.
February 27, 2016 12:56 a.m.
so, i was doing a d&d roleplaying type thing today as an ongoing thing, and I thought I should share what happened today
So, at the moment we are trapped out in the desert with no clear direction in sight and we haven't been doing very well.
I poured out all the water and burned all the food. Since I'm a mage of sorts (don't remember the name for exactly what) I have 2 different familiars thanks to some specs. As should be clear, familiars regenerate after long enough dead.
So anyways, at night I poured out all the water and burned all the food. We had to speed things up by days, and since my familiars are a bird and a little water elemental, I've been able to survive.
I killed the rest of my party by dehydration and took all their stuff.
We're going to have to start a new adventure, but I have won the moral victory for successfully betraying and killing off my group and surviving.
February 27, 2016 1:58 a.m.
I just want to play a Pokemon game where my pokemon can remember up to six moves. All you have to do is make it so in PvP battles you pick 4 of those 6 and then you don't have to worry about disrupting the PvP battle tournaments. Simple, fun, effective.
Of course if playing this would be fun to.
Better yet lets play Pokemon in a 3rd persistent world using the Unreal 4 engine! Here's a 4 minute long demo video.
Nintendo could take all of Bethesda's money if they released a Pokemon game like this a few weeks before every Elder Scrolls or Fallout game.
February 27, 2016 2:17 a.m.
I want to play an Avatar: the Last Airbender themed DnD. Can you even imagine how immersive the world is?
February 27, 2016 2:59 a.m.
It's so immersive that if you breathe like somebody from the fire nation as a character from the water nation your DM docks your experience.
February 27, 2016 3:27 a.m.
@ThisIsBullshit I don't know. I thought of doing it and followed through.
canterlotguardian says... #1
My faith in humanity lessens every day... Smh.
February 21, 2016 1:44 p.m.